Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Moraine Valley offers new noncredit classes this fall ? Palos Hills ...

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From home design to gardening to family trees, Moraine Valley Community College has a wide variety of new noncredit courses for the fall 2011 semester. Each course is being offered on the main campus, 9000 W. College Pkwy., Palos Hills.
?Do It-Yourself Design? teaches students to draw floor plans, create a budget, choose materials, and create a new theme for a room or home. This six-week class is on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m., beginning October 18.
Crafters have several new classes to choose from. Learn to paint urban settings, fields, mountains, or gritty alleyways, or learn to make bows and other ribbon projects. ?Landscape Painting? will be offered on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., beginning September 7. ?Bow Making? is on Wednesday, October 5, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., and ?Ribbon Art? is on Wednesday, October 1, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Understand the basics and how to begin charting a family tree during ?Beginning Genealogy: A Crash Course? on Tuesday, September 13, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. A ?Genealogical Medical Family Tree? could be one of the most important health benefits for you and loved ones. This class will be on Tuesday, September 20, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
History buffs will learn about the outbreak of the Cold War and examine the Korean War in that context during ?Korea: The Forgotten War.? This two-week class will be on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m., beginning October 5.
Stir creativity for a business, product or future idea in the ?Budget-Free Publicity? course on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., beginning October 6. Ideas and discussion will be shared on how to implement a budget-free campaign. A textbook for this class can be purchased in the Bookstore.
For more information on these or any other noncredit class, call Workforce Development and Community Services at (708) 974-5735 or email
Register for any of these noncredit courses in person at the Registration Office, located in S125 or by calling (708) 974-2110 (TTY for the hearing impaired 708-974-9556). Participants also can register online at by selecting ?Register for Noncredit Classes? under Hot Topics, then clicking on ?Prospective Students? and finally ?Search, register and pay for noncredit classes.?
For news media inquiries call Jessica Crotty, coordinator of College and Community Relations, at (708) 974-5281, or e-mail her at


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Easy Staging Tricks to Help Sell your Home | Nute Music

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AP EXCLUSIVE: Afghans scuttle US-Taliban talks

(AP) ? Infuriated that Washington met secretly at least three times with a personal emissary of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Afghan government intentionally leaked details of the clandestine meetings, scuttling the talks and sending the Taliban intermediary into hiding, The Associated Press has learned.

In a series of interviews with diplomats, current and former Taliban, Afghan government officials and a close childhood friend of the intermediary, Tayyab Aga, the AP learned Aga is hiding in Europe, and is afraid to return to Pakistan because of fears of reprisals. The United States has had no direct contact with him for months.

A senior U.S. official acknowledged that the talks imploded because of the leak and that Aga, while alive, had disappeared. The United States will continue to pursue talks, the official said. Current and former U.S. officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the talks.

The United States acknowledged the talks after Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who apparently fears being sidelined by U.S.-Taliban talks, confirmed published accounts about them in June, but has never publicly detailed the content, format or participants. The first was held in late 2010 followed by at least two other meetings in early spring of this year, the former U.S. official said. The sessions were held in Germany and Qatar, he said.

A childhood friend of Aga's who spoke to the AP on condition he not be identified because he feared retaliation, said Aga was in Germany. A diplomat in the region said Aga fled to a European country after his contacts with the United States were revealed.

Collapse of the direct talks between Aga and U.S. officials probably spoiled the best chance yet at reaching Omar, considered the linchpin to ending the Taliban fight against the U.S.-backed government in Afghanistan. The contacts were preliminary but had begun to bear fruit, Afghan and U.S. officials said.

Perhaps most importantly they offered the tantalizing prospect of a brokered agreement between the United States and the Taliban ? one that would allow the larger reconciliation of the Taliban into Afghanistan political life to move forward. The United States has not committed to any such deal, but the Taliban wants security assurances from the United States.

The talks were deliberately revealed by someone within the presidential palace, where Karzai's office is located, said a Western and an Afghan official. The reason for the leak was Karzai's animosity toward the U.S. and fear that any agreement Washington brokered would undermine his authority, they said.

The AP sought comment from Karzai's office but was referred to palace press department spokesman Hamid Elmi, who did not answer his phone during repeated calls.

Pakistan had also been kept in the dark about the talks, people knowledgeable about them said. An Afghan official with contacts with the Taliban said the insurgents decided not to tell Pakistan about the meetings with the United States.

At the time of the leak, Washington had already offered small concessions that the U.S. intended as "confidence-building measures," a former senior U.S. official said. They were aimed at developing a rapport and moving talks forward, said a current U.S. official on condition he not be identified because of the sensitivity of the topic.

The concessions included treating the Taliban and al-Qaida differently under international sanctions. The Taliban argued that while al-Qaida is focused on worldwide jihad against the West, Taliban militants have focused on Afghanistan and have shown little interest in attacking targets abroad.

Other goodwill gestures that were not made public included Aga's safe passage to Germany, U.S. officials said. The U.S. also offered assurances that it would not block the Taliban from opening an office in a third country, the official said.

Aga slowly established his bona fides with the U.S. officials, who had initial doubts both about his identity and his level of contact and influence with Omar, a former and current U.S. official with knowledge of the discussion said. For example, a coded reference to the talks appeared on a Taliban-affiliated website following one meeting, just as Aga said it would, one official said.

The whereabouts and eventual release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl of Hailey, Idaho, who was captured more than two years ago in eastern Afghanistan, featured prominently in the talks, according to Aga's childhood friend and a senior Western diplomat in the region. The U.S. negotiators asked Aga what could be done to gain Bergdahl's release.

Aga sought the freedom of Taliban fighters in U.S. custody in Guantanamo Bay and Bagram Air Field, north of the Afghan capital where an estimated 600 Afghans are being held. Still at Guantanamo Bay is former Taliban Defense Ministry Chief of Staff Mullah Mohammed Fazil, Taliban intelligence official Abdul Haq Wasiq and former Herat governor Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa. Afghanistan's High Peace Council tasked by Karzai with the job of finding a negotiated settlement with insurgents has requested Khairkhwa's release.

A former U.S. official familiar with the talks said the loss of the Aga contact dismayed and angered the U.S. side, and further eroded thin trust in Karzai. There is a difference of opinion among U.S. diplomats, military officials and others about how directly Karzai should be blamed, but several officials agreed that the leak was an attempt to torpedo a diplomatic channel that Karzai and his inner circle worried would sideline and undercut the Afghan leader.

As the Afghan war slides into its 10th year and Washington plans to withdraw its combat forces by the end of 2014, a negotiated settlement between the Karzai government and the Taliban has become a stated goal for the United States. It is the centerpiece of efforts by Marc Grossman, the U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Karzai has launched a separate peace outreach, with the High Peace Council representing numerous political factions.

A member of that High Peace Council, who asked not to be identified by name so he could talk candidly, told the AP that the leaking of the talks reveals the level of mistrust and the lack of coordination among the key players in any eventual peace deal.

He said all the key players ? the United States, Afghan government, Afghan National Security Council and the High Peace Council ? are holding separate and secret talks with their own contacts within the insurgency.

The United States, for example, has also held secret talks with Ibrahim Haqqani, the brother of Jalaluddin Haqqani, who heads the notorious Haqqani network considered by U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan to be their biggest threat. That contact was confirmed by officials from Pakistan, Afghanistan and the U.S.

Karzai met with representatives of wanted rebel leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who is seeking greater involvement at the peace table and direct talks with the United States, said diplomats in the region.

The flurry of meetings the United States is holding with the various factions in the Afghan conflict has also extended to Pakistan, where the most powerful insurgents have found safe havens.

A month ago, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Sen. John Kerry and Pakistan's Army chief of staff Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani met for a marathon eight hours in a Gulf country. Peace negotiations with Afghanistan's insurgents featured prominently, said both Pakistani and U.S. officials who would not be identified by name because of the secret nature of the meeting.

A U.S. official familiar with the talks said Kayani made a pitch during his marathon meeting with Kerry that Pakistan take on a far larger role in Afghanistan peacemaking. The United States considers Pakistan an essential part of an eventual deal, but neither the U.S. nor Pakistan trusts the other's motives in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, an unexpected consequence of attempts to find peace with the Taliban has been the rearming of the so-called Northern Alliance, that represents Afghanistan's ethnic minorities and who were partnered with the coalition at the outset of Operation Enduring Freedom to topple the Taliban regime.

For the warlords that make up the Northern Alliance, Martine van Bijlert, co-director and co-founder of the Afghan Analyst Network in the capital, Kabul, talk of peace threatens their survival.

Warlords-cum-government ministers and vice presidents are watching attempts at finding a peaceful end to the war with trepidation, each wondering "what if it unravels, who is going to come after me? Will I be the weakest in the room? They are feeling very vulnerable."


Gearan, AP National Security Writer, reported from Washington. Kathy Gannon is AP Special Regional Correspondent for Afghanistan and Pakistan. She can be followed on

Associated Press


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Monday, August 29, 2011

Boycott of Auckland Uni Courses and Careers Day | Business ...

Academic staff at the University of Auckland will boycott this Saturday's highly visible if their long running employment dispute with the university is not resolved.

Courses and Careers Day is a popular opportunity for prospective students to get their first look at the university and meet the academics who will guide their learning next year. It is a showpiece for the university according to TEU national president Dr Sandra Grey.

Click link below to read full and original article

Boycott of Auckland Uni Courses and Careers Day

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

what is best to invest in a retirement account if I am 60 years old ...

To Start Investing
It takes a long time to learn the stock market and for someone that wants to start investing in the market needs to decide what risk level he wants to take. CDs backed up by the government has about 3-4% annual return for the long term with a low risk. Bonds or Bonds Funds has about 5-7% annual return for the long term with a medium risk. Stocks or Stock Mutual Funds has about 8-10% annual return for the long term with a high risk and are more volatile than Bonds. Usually the more risk you take, the more return you will have, but not always. To see the Risk vs Return go to:
The stock market is basally made up of stocks and bonds. Investment managers pick a group of stocks to make a mutual fund or a group of bonds to make a bond fund. They even put a mixture of stocks and bonds together and call it Growth & Income Fund.

1- Mutual Funds: I like mutual funds because they have a group of stocks, could be around 100+, invested in different sectors, and manage by a professional. Managers have lots of schooling for investing in stocks, around 8 years. So I think managers can pick stocks better than me. There are lots of different kinds of mutual funds that does not charge any fees to buy it?s shares and they are called Noload Funds. There are also some funds called Load Funds that charge 5% of your investment. But what I don?t like is the fact that most funds has trading restricting and you may not be able to trade more than 4 times a year. That?s because it makes it hard for the fund to make a good return if there is to much trading in the fund, causing the fund manager to make more buys and sells. Mutual funds are meant for long term investors.
2- Stocks: Stocks is more volatile than funds unless you spread you money in about ten different sectors and know witch sector will do best. And stock trading restricting is only a few days and that?s something that I like. If you own stocks, you need to keep up with all the company?s business so you don?t get stuck with a bad stock.
3- ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds): ETFs are like a mutual fund but trades like a stock and that is my main reason why I like ETFs. There are some ETFs that represents Index?s. An Index is like S&P or DOW. Index?s operate just like a mutual fund with a group of stocks in deferent sectors, manage by professionals. You can?t buy Index?s because they are not for sell. A company owns them. But you can buy a mutual funds or an ETF that has the same stocks as the Index they represent. There are a lots of different kinds of ETFs for someone to choose from. Some have 1x leverage, some have 2x leverage, and some has 3x leverage. There are some that represent almost every kind of sector.

You can find several good brokers that charge $8.00 and under, per stock trade and no fee on Noload Funds. Most broker websites have good research tools. Some popular broker websites are Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, E-trade, Scottrade and others. I think you need a min. of $500 (some sites $2,000) to open a broker account.

If you want more info, click my picture and read About Me.


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Hatha Yoga Provides Gentle Exercise To Stimulate Your Imune ...

Hatha Yoga Provides Gentle Exercise To Stimulate Your Imune System

August 27th, 2011 ~ No Comments

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Singapore politics turn feisty amid president vote

(AP) ? Choi Bee Tong makes for an unusual political rebel, especially in straight-laced Singapore.

The 73-year-old retired school teacher plans to vote Saturday for opposition politician Tan Jee Say to be the next president, a largely ceremonial position but one that Tan hopes to transform into a platform for challenging government policies in this one-party-dominated state.

Choi brought her two toddler grandchildren earlier this week to a raucous rally with 30,000 Tan supporters who booed, hissed and yelled insults every time a speaker mentioned the ruling People's Action Party or the candidate backed by most of the political establishment, Tony Tan.

"I think many Singaporeans like me would like to have a president who serves a bigger role, instead of being a PAP puppet," Choi said. "Political awakening has finally happened in Singapore, and I want my grandchildren to see this."

A growing number of Singaporeans are dissatisfied with their government, and increasingly the once-cowed populace is no longer afraid to speak out. They have been getting a rare opportunity to do so this year because of two elections, one for parliament this past May and one for president this Saturday.

Political activity, such as public speech and assembly, is curtailed and closely controlled by the government, but 10 days of outdoor rallies are allowed ahead of parliamentary elections every five years and presidential votes every six.

The May election saw the PAP's vote total fall to its lowest level since independence from Malaysia in 1965. Analysts say the presidential race, featuring four candidates surnamed Tan, could end up showing further signs of PAP's erosion.

"The May election unleashed a greater political consciousness in Singapore, something that's been developing over the last couple years," said Eugene Tan, an assistant professor of law at Singapore Management University. "There's a stronger hint of defiance to the powers that be."

In part, it's a backlash against soaring housing prices, a surge in foreign workers and rising income inequality. But more fundamentally, as Singapore has become one of the richest countries in the world, its people are no longer willing to accept the unquestioned rule of the PAP, which has been in power since 1959.

The emergence of the Internet has also allowed Singaporeans to bypass the state-owned media to express discontent, creating a more rancorous, irreverent public discourse.

Inspired by this more competitive and lively political atmosphere, sculptor Christopher Pereira began making fiberglass likenesses of Singapore politicians last year.

He showed off his latest creation ? a 30-centimeter (12-inch) figurine of Lee Kuan Yew, the city-state's first prime minister and dominate political force for more than half a century ? by attaching it to his back at the Tan Jee Say rally. But he was soon surrounded by an angry mob hurling anti-government insults.

"They got right in my face, threatened me and told me to get out," Pereira said. "I was surprised how aggressive people were with me. That wouldn't have happened 10 or 20 years ago."

To be sure, Singapore politics still are quite staid compared to those in most other countries. The PAP also maintains a large majority in parliament, with 81 of 87 seats.

But its grip on power ? once so complete that it controlled every parliament seat and PAP candidates won most districts unopposed ? is slipping.

In May, the PAP's overall vote total in parliamentary elections slid to 60 percent, prompting Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to promise more public housing, restrictions on foreign workers and a review of minister salaries.

Observers will be closely watching the performance of Tony Tan, a former deputy prime minister who until last month was executive director of sovereign wealth fund Government of Singapore Investment Corp. and chairman of media company Singapore Press Holdings.

Prime Minister Lee, who is Lee Kuan Yew's son, and the PAP have not officially endorsed Tan, but Lee praised Tan last month and hasn't mentioned any of the other three candidates.

"There's no doubt that Tony Tan is widely perceived to be the preferred candidate (of the government)," assistant professor Tan said. "He's generally regarded as a steady, safe pair of hands."

Much of the debate among the candidates has centered on the extent of the president's powers. The constitution allows the president to veto the use of the country's reserves and some public office appointments, but doesn't give the post any executive authority.

Candidates Tan Cheng Bock, a former PAP member of parliament and medical doctor, and Tan Kin Lian, a former insurance company executive, have said if elected they would take on a more active role in voicing the concerns of citizens.

S.R. Nathan, the current president who won two terms unopposed, consulted with the prime minister and cabinet in private but avoided public comment on government policy. Tony Tan and government spokesmen have sought in recent weeks to quell calls for an expanded role for the president.

"The president is not a center of power in Singapore, remember that," Tony Tan, 71, said in a speech in the downtown financial district earlier this week. "There's only one center of power in Singapore and that is the government."


Associated Press writer Heather Tan in Singapore contributed to this story.

Associated Press


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Friday, August 26, 2011

Five lame excuses for a company strategy

Most companies do not have a strategy. OK, I admit it, I do not have any solid statistics (if such a thing were possible) as evidence to back up this statement, but I do see a heck of a lot of companies, strategy directors and CEOs present their ?strategies? and I tell you, I think 9 out of 10 (at least) don?t actually have one.

Sure, it depends on the all-evasive question ?what is strategy?? but even if you would take the most lenient of definitions, few companies actually have one. Let me not tire you with some real strategy textbook definitions but if I would just put it as ?you know what you are doing, and why,? most firms would already fall short on this one.

Most companies and CEOs do not have a good rationale of why they are doing the things they are doing, and how this should lead to superior performance. Best business quotes from the silver screen

I?d say there are 3 types of CEOs here:

  1. CEOs who think they have a strategy; they are the most abundant.
  2. CEOs who pretend to think that they have a strategy, but deep down they are really very hesitant because they fear they don?t actually have one (and they?re probably right); these are generally quite a bit more clever than the first category, but alas fewer in numbers.
  3. CEOs who do have a strategy; there are preciously few of them, but invariably they head very successful companies.

So what do all these CEOs do, when confronted with the question ?what is your strategy?? Well, of course they will retaliate with a PowerPoint presentation, headed by the title ?our strategy,? and there is stuff on it. It just ain?t strategy.

Let me present you with five such common excuses for a strategy or, put differently, five examples of why the things on the PowerPoint are not strategy:

Are you really making choices?
Strategy, above all, is about making choices; choices in terms of what you do and what you do not do. Future PLC for example has chosen to focus on specialty magazines for young males (decent magazines, by the way ?) in English. This contains some very clear choices. The point is that what they are throwing away, i.e. choosing not to focus on is meaningful. This concerns things that could have made them money as well. For example, magazines for middle aged women might potentially be very profitable, but that is just not what they want to do, because they think concentrating on a clear set of consumers and products will help them do better. 10 email habits that send the wrong message

Most companies don?t do this; they cannot resist the temptation of also doing other things which, on an individual basis, look attractive. As a consequence, they end up with a bunch of stuff that appears attractive, but strangely enough they don?t manage to turn them into a profitable proposition.

Or do you just stick to what you were doing anyway??
Another variant of this is the straightjacket of path dependency, meaning that companies write up their strategy in such a way that everything fits into it that they were doing anyway. And there might be nothing wrong with that, if it so happens that what you were doing anyway represents a nice coherent set of activities. Yet, more often than not, strategies adapted to what you were doing anyway results in some vague, amorphous statement that would have been better off in a beginners? class on esoteric poetry, because it is meaningless and does not imply any real choice.

The worst of the lot I have seen (although low on poetic value) was Ahold?s poor excuse for a strategy, which ended up doing so many different things in so many different corners of the world that they resided to calling it ?multi-format, multi-local, multi-channel.? This ? not coincidentally ? was shortly before the company collapsed.

Your choices have no relationship with value creation (you?re in ?The Matrix?)
Sometimes companies make some choices, but it is wholly unclear why these choices would do you any good. It is not just about making choices; you need a good explanation why these choices are going to create you a heck of a lot of value. Without such logic, I cannot call it a strategy. Let me give you an example, which happens to be the most common strategy I have seen among multinational corporations: The Matrix. Stocks to get through a volatile summer

On the horizontal axis, one puts countries; on the vertical axis, one puts business lines. And the strategy is to tick boxes, as many as possible, as quickly as possible (preferably through acquisitions). But why would performing all your activities in all your countries be a good strategy? If you can give me an explanation of why this would lead to superior value creation, I might label it a strategy, but such an explanation is usually conspicuously absent. Without a proper rationalization of why your choices are going to help you create value, I cannot call it a strategy.

You?re mistaking objectives for strategy
?We want to be No. 1 or 2 in all the markets we operate in.? Ever heard that one? I think it is bollocks. A CEO who wrote to me the other day, after having read my book (?Business Exposed?), said of most of these things proclaimed to be strategies were like saying ?I am going to win the 400 meters during the 2012 Olympics by running faster than anyone else.? Yes, that is very nice, but the real question is ?how??

We want to be No. 1 or 2 in the market; we want to grow 50 percent next year; we want to be the world?s pre-eminent business school, and so on. These are goals; these are objectives, and possibly very good and lofty ones, but strategy they are not. You need an idea and a rationale ? a strategy ? of how you are going to achieve all this. Without it, they are an aspiration, but certainly not a strategy.

Nobody knows about it
The final mistake I have seen, but scarily common, of why CEOs who think they have a strategy don?t actually have one (despite circumventing all of the above pitfalls), is because none of their lower ranked employees actually knows about it. A strategy is only really a strategy if people in the organization alter their behavior as a result of it. And in order to achieve that, they should know about it. Turn your kids into millionaires

Strategy by itself does nothing. The PowerPoint presentation ? regardless of how colorful and fine-tuned ? is not going to resort to improved performance unless the choices and priorities it contains result into actions by middle managers and people on the work floor. A good litmus test is to simply ask around; if people within the organization do not give you the same coherent story, chances are you do not have a strategy, no matter how colorful your PowerPoints.

? 2011


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New set of building blocks for simple synthesis of complex molecules

ScienceDaily (Aug. 23, 2011) ? Assembling chemicals can be like putting together a puzzle. University of Illinois chemists have developed a way of fitting the pieces together to more efficiently build complex molecules, beginning with a powerful and promising antioxidant.

Led by chemistry professor Martin Burke, the team published its research on the cover of the chemistry journal Angewandte Chemie.

Burke's group is known for developing a synthesis technique called iterative cross-coupling (ICC) that uses simple, stable chemical "building blocks" sequentially joined in a repetitive reaction. With more than 75 of the building blocks available commercially, pharmaceutical companies and other laboratories use ICC to create complex small molecules that could have medicinal properties.

"There's pre-installed functionality and stereochemistry, so everything is set in the building blocks, and all you have to do is couple them together," said graduate student Seiko Fujii, the first author of the paper.

However, ICC has been limited to only molecules with one type of polarity. Now, the group has developed reverse-polarity ICC, which allows a chemist to optimize the ICC process to match the target molecules' electronic structure. The reversal in polarity enables a whole new class of building blocks, so researchers can synthesize molecules more efficiently and even construct molecules that standard ICC cannot.

For example, in the paper, the group used the new method to make synechoxanthin (pronounced sin-ecko-ZAN-thin), a molecule first isolated from bacteria in 2008 that shows great promise as an antioxidant. Studies suggest that synechoxanthin allows the bacteria that produce it to live and thrive in highly oxidative environments.

"We as humans experience a lot of oxidative stress, and it can be really deleterious to human health," said Burke, who also is affiliated with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. "It can lead to diseases like cancer and atherosclerosis and neurodegenerative disorders. Evidence strongly suggests that synechoxanthin is a major part of the bacteria's solution to this problem. We're excited to ask the question, what can we learn from the bug? Can it also protect a human cell?"

Studies on the activity of synechoxanthin have been limited by the difficulty of extracting the molecule from bacterial cultures. Burke's group successfully synthesized it from a mere three types of readily available, highly stable, non-toxic building blocks. Thanks to the ease of ICC, they can produce relatively large quantities of synechoxanthin for study as well as derivatives to test against the natural product.

"Because this building-block-based design is inherently flexible, once we've made the natural product, we can make any derivative we want simply by swapping in one different building block, and then using the reverse-polarity ICC to snap them together," Burke said. "That's where synthesis is so powerful. Oftentimes, the cleanest experiment will require a molecule that doesn't exist, unless you can piece it together."

Researchers can also use blocks that have been "tagged" with a fluorescent or radioactive dye to make it easier to study the molecule and its activity. For example, Fujii next plans to synthesize both synechoxanthin and its apolar derivative with tags so that NMR imaging can reveal its location and orientation within a cell's membrane, possibly providing clues to its activity.

"After we have all these molecules in hand, we're really excited to test the antioxidant activity of them in a model membrane," Fujii said.

The National Institutes of Health and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute supported this work.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Journal Reference:

  1. Seiko Fujii, Stephanie Y. Chang, Martin D. Burke. Total Synthesis of Synechoxanthin through Iterative Cross-Coupling. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011; 50 (34): 7862 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201102688

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Few Tips in Purchasing Kitchen Cabinets Online ...

Aug 23 2011

The internet has made things a lot easier and faster especially when it comes to business transactions online. With the advent of the internet, home improvement has been greatly affected as well. Nowadays, homeowners who are interested in buying items for home improvement can just conveniently make their transactions online. When it comes to home improvement, one of the hottest items nowadays is kitchen cabinets. They don?t just enhance the overall look of the kitchen or any home, but they also serve the function of organizing kitchen utensils and accessories in the kitchen. Most of all, having kitchen cabinets also increases the value of the home. When it come to purchasing for kitchen cabinets online, there are some tips you need to remember in order to make sure that you enjoy your money?s worth.

While convenience is one great advantage that the internet provides, this could be a disadvantage at times as well. Since the internet makes it generally convenient to everybody, it makes it easier for scammers to take advantage to it as well. Because of this, it is very crucial for homeowners to be cautious with their transactions online. Making a purchase online is not like buying an item in the department store wherein you can check the item carefully and ask questions real time. Here are a few tips to consider when purchasing kitchen cabinets online.

Since the internet has already made things easier and faster, you don?t have to rush. You can thoroughly search for the items you wish to purchase, and once you?ve made your choice you could place an order in a matter of a few minutes. But if you purchase something impulsively online, it will just make you uneasy and uncertain after making the purchase. So you need to take all your time in buying for the kitchen cabinets you aspire for your kitchen. This will not just satisfy you with your choice, but it will also minimize the possibility of being scammed online.

Before searching for kitchen cabinets online, things would be much easier if you know what you are looking for. You need to make a list of your requirements and personal preferences for your kitchen cabinets. You need to consider the current set-up in your kitchen including the colors and the dimensions of the available space.

With anything you see online, you could never expect the same exact thing once you get hold of it in person. A photo could look different with what you would actually get. So to give you on idea of how a specific material would look like on your kitchen, you could ask for a sample order which is usually sent for free.

Dealing with people online is a lot different with dealing with them in person. That?s why one should be extra cautious when it comes to dealing with suppliers online. Before making your purchase with a particular supplier, make sure to check on their reviews and recommendations. Make sure to check on other important details like their return policy. In other words, make sure you are dealing with a reliable supplier.


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Overhead Garage Storage Is the Best Way to Reorganize Your House ...

Choosing a spot in the residence to hold your things may be hard because you want instant access to particular items and also you don?t want to misplace your belongings among all the clutter. Typically, people use their garages as garbage dumps for all the extra belongings they don?t know where to store. In our active life, it is rather easy for the garage to break away from you. Because of our culture huge demands for our precious time, it is challenging to make time to manage our items. Is your garage jam-packed of stuff to the level where one can hardly fit into it?

Acquiring good organizational skills and beneficial equipment can help the garage. When tackling a chaotic garage choosing the correct garage storage solutions will save an huge amount of time when you?re searching for Christmas ornaments; summertime wardrobe etc. Instead of trying to carefully remove the mountains of plastic boxes there is a much more effective method for organizing your garage. Often times, the most effective storage area is left out, the ceiling. So, how do you use this valuable location? Overhead garage storage is actually fairly easy to understand and quite handy; just imagine no more heaps of plastic tubs.

Ceiling mounts come in many varieties from tire hooks to attached cabinets. Ceiling storage space items aren?t too hard to assemble and directions will definitely be attached. Certain objects you need to keep away from everyday traffic places. Keeping your items off the floor will not only free up lots of space but prevent you from dangerous trips and falls that could send you to the doctor. Another benefit with ceiling storage items is that it prevents your objects on the ground from water destruction.

The garage ceiling area is a valuable place for storage space that is frequently forgotten but it may be the greatest design for organizing your garage.

Do not waste time cleaning up your garage when it will most likely just revert to unclean another time. The house is your castle and you must ensure that it is clean and cozy, not simply for your company but for you and your family as well. Finding the sturdiest and most effective garage storage shelving may be some time, but by using the world wide web it is easy to search through your options more rapidly. When your home and garage is disgusting, it generally can become neglected for even a longer time, but all it normally requires is the initial move of cleaning and you?ll be on your way to a thoroughly clean storage and a more healthy usable space.

Check out more resources: garage storage solutions


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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

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Nature's Intent for Parenting and ?Educating? : Unplugged Mom

Nature?s intent is the only parenting advice and ?educational curriculum? we truly need. Our parenting challenges, concerns and choices can become so simple if we consider, ?What is nature?s intent for a child?s holistic development??

Nature is our reference manual, our guide to mammalian and human needs. I hear so often parents say curiously common phrases along the lines of, ?There is no one right way to parent?, or ?School works for my child- My child could never learn on her/his own.? Often those types of statements translate to, ?Something in my past is being activated and I am feeling defensive, so I am unable to consider alternatives.?

Yes, there are MANY human-invented ways to parent and educate, most of them punitive, coercive, harmful and downright traumatizing; echos of an adult?s own childhood pain. However, nature?s intent for children is authentic, congruent and always ?right? because the child?s holistic needs, their unique passions, their innate wisdom of how to grow and the expression of their personhood is the priority of nature. Human-invented ways to parent and ?educate? often have the goal of adult convenience, placating adult fears, catering to adult biases and beliefs and shaping the child to be or become something other than what or who that miraculous child is. Each child is a pure one-of-a-kind expression of universal energy- a miracle that if loved, nurtured and allowed to grow and develop freely and in joy,? innately unfolds as a beautiful three-dimensional person who meets all of his or her developmental potentials.

In everything that we do concerning our children, we must ask ourselves whose needs are being met. Are we parenting in a certain way to ease our own anxieties? To fulfill our own philosophy or hypothesis- or that of someone else? Are we parenting out of upset emotions, revenge or anger? Are we trying to shape the child?s future by causing suffering now? It can hurt so much as parents to let go, to slice away the baggage and false ideals of our pasts and of the mainstream culture in order to see our children?s true needs and trust our children enough to meet their needs. It is so freeing, so emancipating when we do! When we are able to see purely their needs, then we are tapped into our instinct- nature?s intent for how to parent and ?educate? our children!

Nature?s intent for parenting and for children?s learning is a cycle that gently ebbs and flows, like the tides of the ocean: When a child has a need, the child will express that need to the parent in some overt or covert manner. It is up to the parents to decipher that need and keep their own judgments and filters out of the discovery process. If the parent immediately responds lovingly and supportively to a physical, emotional, creative or spiritual need, helps the child meet the need or helps the child make happen what the child is wanting to manifest, the child will feel homeostasis. Homeostasis is a state of holistic joy, calm, trust, safety and bonding. This is how secure attachment is formed and maintained. When children are distressed by our reactions to them, that is not homeostasis, ?teaching?, a ?lesson?, patience-learning or character-building, it is harm. Although parents need not be perfect, the parent-child attachment cycle must be honored from birth until the completion of adolescence for the child to grow up whole?

Attachment parenting and child-directed learning are not ?parenting styles? or ?educational philosophies?. Attachment Parenting and child-directed learning (unschooling, life learning, deschooling, relaxed homeschooling, democratic learning, etc.) are simply the words we use to describe the ancient Earth-wisdom that loving, connected, aware parents are rediscovering. (The words we use don?t matter as long as the actions we take are in harmony with nature?s intent!) ?Parenting styles? and ?educational philosophies? are all of the human-invented ways that have diverged from nature?s intent. If most of the time you are? passionately loving, physically and emotionally nurturing, generally sensitive and compassionate to your child?s needs, a guide and model rather than dictator and if you are a partner to your child?s goals and interests, you are in harmony with nature?s intent. If most of the time your children are connected to you, love to be with you (whether age two, nine, 12 or 17), take joy in play, have passion for something, are empathic, compassionate and are overall thriving holistically, your parent-child relationship is in harmony with nature?s intent.

If most of the times, these are not the ways of being for you and your child, then nature is signaling that something is out of sync its intent. Let?s celebrate that if our children are disconnected and are struggling holistically, re-syncing our parenting and their learning journey to nature is a simple and sometimes quick healing path. Let us celebrate the fact that whenever we resort back to our old fears, anxieties, defenses and beliefs, we can immediately get right back on the track of the parent-child attachment cycle! It is a gentle and quick process and our children will breathe a sigh of relief when we do!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Advanced But Stable Hair Reduction Therapy ? Beauty, Health and ...

The physicians and the therapists worldwide have adopted a recent mechanism for reducing the hair of the common mass permanently, which is none other than electrolysis hair removal. Several current methods like Soprano remedies, Laser therapy, IPL hair removal therapy have been adopted by the hair scientists for eradicating the hair of the common mass forever.

The remedy is the first painless treatment adopted by the therapists. This treatment will benefit both the males and the women of the society. The fee of the therapy is in addition very low compare to other treatments. People who are eager to take this therapy will get huge ease which they might not get while taking other laser treatments.

Electrolysis treatment is applicable for all kinds of skins with different skin color like black, tanned, white and Asian. This cost effective laser treatment is accessible everywhere. This treatment is applicable in any regions of the body whether it?s a hand or leg or even face. This painless hair treatment is likely to be the most secure and the most pain free hair treatment where no side effect will be visible. This procedure has been made painless by the application of low fluency and speedy pulsing Gold Standard 810, that will take out one?s hair permanently.

This era will see this newly launched laser therapy in all over the globe. The superlative doctors and the extremely trained hair therapists of the entire world have launched this treatment in all the reputed clinics all over the world. The therapists will give unique, enjoyable and thorough message therapy to the people who will go to to their clinics for the therapy.

Though the message is very much powerful yet it will give ease to the skin by giving a super cooling effect. The specialists will provide a thorough message to the skin of the visitors with the medicated chemicals of desired for the message. It will increase the temperature of both the hair follicle and the tissues to an point of 45 degree. The increase of massage will slowly raise the heat of the hair follicles and its adjoining tissues. This mechanism of treatment will prevent the hair development by destroying the hair follicles. The epidermis of the skin is however protected and it creates the treatment painless.

Electrolysis hair removal is predicted that this less costly, safer, pain free and powerful message will be acknowledged by the normal people whole heartedly.


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Monday, August 22, 2011

How To Stay Safe When Doing Home Improvement | The Freedom Plan

Many people do not learn how important safety is until they get hurt doing a home-improvement project. Working at home, especially alone, could lead to potentially fatal accidents that could otherwise be avoided. Most people that get hurt do so by climbing up on a ladder and falling off of it. Falling from the top of your house when trying to do a roof repair is also a very common injury.

If you do repairs, and if you use a ladder, you might find yourself falling if it is not properly secure. This usually has to do with positioning yourself on the ladder incorrectly or setting it up wrong. The following is a quick overview on some safety tips you can use to work safely at home.

Prior to beginning a home improvement job, you must keep in mind your safety and the safety of those in your home. Every year homeowners are seriously injured or sometimes even killed while performing simple improvements. Always consider your safety and the safety of family members prior to beginning any home improvement job. Safety precautions, no matter how tedious they may seem are a necessary step when it comes to home improvement. Whenever working with power tools, take the time to unplug the tool when changing out parts. This little safety tip is often over looked by many do it yourselfers. If you have circular saws or any kind of powered saw, take proper precautions. When not in use, you can use a piece of hose with a slit in it to cover the sharp blade edges.

If you have a lot of rags stored in your work shed or around your work bench, then take care with how you store them.

The concept of fire loading is a little known but very important safety consideration. The more flammable material you have in one spot, the greater the fire load. Flammable solvents soaked into this type of material must be disposed of properly. Finding something to store this material in, that is devoid of air, is your best choice.

Another example of a do-it-yourself type of a job that people attempt to do is to relocate themselves without knowing all the detaits. Poeple would want to move themselves thinking that the moving rates in the markets are far more expensive that doing it ourselves. There are many different types of moves, it always a good idea to solicit multiple quotes from several vendors and gauge if it is indeed more expensive than doing yourself. Any home improvement that involves moving to a let?s say near by home should take into account all the logistics, the physical labor involved, the time, and for importanty the overall budget for such a move. Depending on your type of move, long distance movers rates can be so diverse that it is only wise to check the market and see what it can bear in terms of your needs.

Many things, some of them negative, can occur when working with electricity. Some buildings are very old so you need to pay careful attention what you?re doing. Over time, expansion and contraction of the metal screws may cause them to loosen allowing for live wires. Electrical wires that are grounded may be hot or electrical which can cause physical damage if you grab them. If your installation is brittle, it could be a byproduct of lighting fixtures in the same room. If there is no longer any protective barrier between you and exposed wires, get this fixed. Electricity does not have to be dangerous to work with as long as you understand what to do. Small problems can crop up during any major home improvement undertaking. This is to be expected. That is why planning, thinking ahead and using a little common sense will often go a long way.


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The Chevrolet Suburban: The World's First SUV and an Automotive ...

Posted by onlycars on Monday, August 22, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?

In the Middle East, the Chevrolet Suburban has never been more popular. Sales of the full-size sports utility vehicle (SUV) have increased by 34 percent in the first seven months of 2011 compared to the same period in 2010. This comes after an incredibly successful year in 2010 when sales increased by 56 percent year-over-year.

But this is no recent phenomenon. The Suburban?s popularity stretches back more than seven decades.?

If you are currently driving a Suburban or, in fact, any type of SUV, then 1935 was a momentous year for you.

It was in this year that Chevrolet first introduced the ?Suburban?, a vehicle that fundamentally changed the automobile market. It was the forerunner to the SUV that today can be found in every corner of the Middle East. It inspired the production of iconic SUVs, such as the Chevrolet Blazer, the Chevrolet Tahoe, the GMC Jimmy and the GMC Yukon.

The Suburban would also become one of the most loved vehicles in the Middle East and around the globe. So popular would the Suburban become that, 76 years later, it would hold the distinguished title of being the world?s oldest continuous automobile nameplate in production.

With a focus on functionality, the original concept of the 1935 Suburban was ?to carry all?. For the first time, the whole family was to able to travel in spacious comfort in one just vehicle ? and have plenty of space for cargo too.

To build the first Suburban, Chevrolet?s engineers used a conventional truck chassis. But instead of installing a loading floor, as in the case of pickups, they designed a generous passenger compartment to accommodate up to eight people on one of three rows of seats.

The first vehicle was specifically built for National Guard units and Civilian Conservation Corps units in the United States. It had a 90 horse-power engine and much of the body was constructed from wood.

However, Chevrolet soon offered the ?Carryall Suburban? that targeted families. It shared the same design and frame as the first Suburban, but featured all-metal wagon bodies and had either rear panel doors or a rear tailgate/lift window for easy loading and unloading of luggage.

Production was stopped during in World War II, but after the war the Suburban underwent continuous improvements. In 1955, the basic model had a 100 horse-power engine, but by 1956 a V8 became standard. In 1957, the Suburban was available for the first time with four-wheel drive, which made it a truly practical vehicle.

It was this 1957 model that kindled the Middle East?s long love affair with the Suburban. Large Arab families were in desperate need of a vehicle that could accommodate the whole family in comfort, together with plenty of luggage space, on long journeys that would often be travelled on poor quality roads.?

In addition, the vehicle had to be dependable and tough enough to cope with the grueling desert environment. The Suburban fitted the bill perfectly and soon became a must-have vehicle for any Arab family.

Today, the Suburban remains incredibly popular in the Middle East and maintains a special place in hearts of many Arab drivers.

This was confirmed in 2010 when Chevrolet held a competition in Saudi Arabia to find the Kingdom?s oldest running Suburban.

It formed part of the celebrations to commemorate its 75th anniversary. The winner was Mohamed Mohamed Ali Saeed from Jeddah, a proud owner of a 1968 Suburban, who was awarded with a special 75th Anniversary Diamond Edition Chevrolet Suburban.

Mr. Ali Saeed summed up the special bond that many Arab drivers have with their Suburbans by describing 1968 model as ?a member of my family?.

?On the weekend I always drive it on the Corniche in Jeddah and I?ve always taken care of it. I still use it for long distance travel, often driving from Jeddah to Tabook, a journey of over 1,000 kilometers,? he said.

In recent years, the Suburban has been popular as a police car, fire chief?s vehicle, or converted for duty as a limousine.

But it is as a family vehicle where the Suburban truly excels. A vehicle that the whole family can truly depend on.

Article source:


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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why Do Some DJs Cost More Than Others?

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Women in Business - PR and FREE Publicity! | Women in Business ...


In this week's Success Tip,? we will be talking about how to generate thousands of dollars in PR and FREE Publicity for your business!

This will include:
* Why you need to take OFF your BUSINESS OWNER's hat when writing a release
* Downloading FREE Press Release templates from the internet
* Your angle ? is it newsworthy, topical or does it have strong human interest element?
* Forming a relationship with the Journalist
* The importance of a 1 page release and no large attachments
* Choosing the right angle for your pitch
* How the angle you choose and the timing are KEY to your success with the media!

A big congratulations to Brisbane Woman members Maree Brodie and Vivienne Lewis, for their fantastic recent win with the media!??? Check out their story on Channel 10 News here!


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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Abercrombie & Fitch wants clothes off Jersey Shore (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Teen clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch Co has offered money to get away from what it sees as an undesirable Situation.

The preppy retailer has offered to pay cast members from MTV's popular show "Jersey Shore" to stop wearing its clothes, it said in a news release late on Tuesday.

The company is "deeply concerned" that Michael "The Situation" Sorrentino "could cause significant damage" to the brand's "aspirational nature."

MTV, a unit of Viacom Inc, released a statement in response that called Abercrombie's offer "a clever PR stunt."

"We'd love to work with them on other ways they can leverage Jersey Shore to reach the largest youth audience on television," the statement said.

"Jersey Shore" features a cast of twenty-something Italian Americans partying, tanning and complaining about their jobs at a beach-front T-shirt stand.

The offer could be considered an abrupt about-face for a company that previously sold T-shirts emblazoned with the wording "The Fitchuation," and "G.T.L." -- the show's common reference to a pre-party routine of "gym, tan lunch."

Abercrombie Chief Executive Officer Mike Jeffries was eager to broach the topic on a conference call with analysts.

"Is no one going to ask about The Situation?" he asked.

When an analyst did ask, Jeffries said: "Last Friday morning I was with a group of people here and someone came up and said, 'Mike, I have terrible, terrible news for you. Last night on 'Jersey Shore' The Situation had A&F product on."

Jeffries said he and the group agreed it was "terrible news."

That is when they came up with the idea to pay the cast not to wear their product, Jeffries said.

"We're having a lot of fun with it," he added.

The Situation, for his part, tweeted: "Looks like Abercrombie got themself into a Situation!" linking to an article that commented on the retailer's shares falling 8.7 percent on Wednesday.

The share price fall was more widely attributed by analysts to CEO Mike Jeffries' comments in a conference call that Abercrombie was entering a period of greater uncertainty.

While seen as more of a publicity stunt than anything else, Abercrombie's offer was mentioned in notes on Wednesday by Wall Street analysts.

"No love for 'Jersey Shore!'" Nomura Securities Analyst Peter Lejuez wrote in a report titled, "Jersey abs not welcome here."

Lejuez said shoppers in Europe, a region in which he says Abercrombie is eager to expand, may not like the look of the rambunctious reality show's cast.

"They have a different look than The Situation," Lejuez said in an interview.

Abercrombie also reported earnings on Wednesday that beat analysts' expectations.

The results prompted Wall Street Strategies analyst Brian Sozzi to write: "Management may be correct in asking (and offering to pay) the cast of 'Jersey Shore' to stop donning its logo-wear. It doesn't need the infusion of MTV and side-job dollars from the 'Jersey Shore' crew, if 2Q11 was any indication."

Sozzi said he found the offer to be "counter to everything the company stands for."

"They have half-naked teenagers standing in front of their store," he said, adding that the attention would help sales for the back-to-school season.

Still, those sales might need help. A cautious outlook from executives sent Abercrombie shares down 8.7 percent at the market close to $64.87.

(Editing by Gerald E. McCormick; editing by Andre Grenon)


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Information on vitamin b17 or brain cancer? | Awesome Faces!

If this answers your question, please click the Google +1 Facebook or Tweet buttons to share. thank you!

Question by Bellus: Information on vitamin b17 or brain cancer?
Does vitamin b17 really help improve the condition of cancer? Well, you see, I know a child, only four years ancient. His family found out just recently(a day or so ago) he has a tumor in his brain. He had surgery and they got 70% of the tumor out. I was wondering if anyone has any useful information. I don?t know much about cancer and any information is much appreciated. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Tarkarri
B17 is not a vitamin.

This is a marketing name for laetrile.

Numerous scientific studies have shown it has no effect on cancer.

As it is made from apricot kernels it can also containe tracers of cyanide.

This should NOT be used by anyone, particularly a child unless you want them to die.

Add your own answer in the comments!


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Friday, August 19, 2011

Consol selling some Marcellus interests for $3.4B (AP)

GASSING UP: Consol Energy will sell half of its interest in its Marcellus Shale holdings in Pennsylvania and West Virginia for $3.4 billion to Noble Energy, giving Noble access to the lucrative Marcellus natural gas market.

ANALYSTS' TAKE: Michael McAllister and Tim Rezvan with Sterne, Agee & Leach Equity Research said the deal works out to about $7,100 per acre, which is "in line with what Chevron paid for Atlas Energy," in a $4.3 billion acquisition in February.

MIGHTY MARCELLUS: The Marcellus Shale is one of the biggest natural gas fields in the world. It has been a hotbed of activity for energy companies extracting natural gas from shale with a process known as "fracking." Environmentalists have expressed concerns about groundwater contamination from chemicals used to get to the gas.


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Thursday, August 18, 2011

How To Choose Vision Exercises That Enhance ... - Health and Fitness

[unable to retrieve full-text content]In contrast, there are numerous eye exercises that can be practiced to treat precise vision problems and to bring additional vision health advantages. Such eye exercises are much better than specific eye exercises ...


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Latest Business Travel Planning News |

Comfort and safety are primary factors for all premium customers
Premium air travel is on the rise according to a new study from the GBTA Foundation, the education and research arm of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA). The study, ?Consumer Choice in Premium Air Travel?, finds that Asia will lead the way ?
Read more on Travel Daily News International

The Frugal Traveler: Top tips for traveling with children
A recent addition to her growing family has resulted in a number of strategies for surviving business travel with an infant. Her top tip? Bring a sling. There are plenty of situations, says Knerl, where a stroller simply falls short. ?
Read more on Chicago Tribune

Who is Today's Premium Air Traveler? New GBTA Study Finds Out
10, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ ? Premium air travel is on the rise according to a new study from the GBTA Foundation, the education and research arm of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA). The study, "Consumer Choice in Premium Air Travel ?
Read more on Sacramento Bee

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Obama has a big bullhorn for the political trail (AP)

PEOSTA, Iowa ? It's the biggest bullhorn in the political world. The presidency and all the attention it commands are giving Barack Obama a chance to frame the national story line this week, to try to put his imprint and spin on the economic and political wind shear that has been battering him.

His bus tour through three Midwestern states, complete with a blocks-long motorcade, is giving Obama the opportunity to attract the front-page headlines that a White House occupant can generate even with modest or rehashed proposals. A marvel of logistics, communications and transport that few organizations are equipped to execute, it's a welcome advantage as he fights back in a noxious political environment and in the face of weakening public approval.

Wrapping up a forum on rural economies at Northeast Iowa Community College on Tuesday, Obama sounded a sentimental note about the appeal of the road.

"As I was driving down those little towns in my big bus, we slowed down and I'm standing in the front and I'm waving," he said softly. "I'm seeing little kids with American flags, grandparents in their lawn chairs and folks outside a machine shop, and passing churches and cemeteries, corner stores and farms. I'm reminded about why I wanted to get into public service in the first place."

He's not the first and won't be the last president to employ all the trappings of power to seek a connection with the public. Presidents get credit in the hinterlands just for showing up, even from those who don't support them.

"I wish him well," said Jim Pape, a 78-year-old retiree in Guttenberg, Iowa, who was having breakfast at a cafe when Obama and his entourage swooped in. "He isn't all bad, but I'd prefer a different president."

That's praise from a man with this view of Washington: "They ought to plow it under and plant corn."

The Des Moines Register, an influential paper in the region, ran two photographs and an article on the front page following Obama's first day on the road. Nationally, the president also commanded prominent headlines and cable and network coverage.

Obama hit the road with slipping poll numbers, an up-and-down stock market, a downgrade of U.S. credit by Standard & Poor's and the hangover of a bitterly fought debt ceiling deal. And he still managed to step all over the GOP presidential field, just as the Republicans were commanding attention with their Iowa straw poll, a big debate and the entry of Texas Gov. Rick Perry into the race.

Obama's tour put all the trappings of power on full display. He boarded his Marine One helicopter on the White House lawn to fly to nearby Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. From there he flew on Air Force One to Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. There he boarded his new $1.1 million Secret Service armored bus, joined a motorcade of up to 30 vehicles and rambled 260 miles through Minnesota and Iowa corn fields and small towns. The trip was to end Wednesday in western Illinois before the president and his family head off for a summer vacation.

The locales for two outdoor town halls Monday were selected by White House aides for maximum photographic appeal. The Cannon River provided the backdrop in Cannon Falls, Minn., and hay bales and a photogenic red barn, lit by late afternoon sun, framed his appearance in Decorah, Iowa.

Aides also chose road stops, arranging lunches and breakfasts with groups that help drive the president's message. On Monday he lunched with veterans at a delicatessen in Cannon Falls; on Tuesday he had breakfast with businessmen at a cafe in Guttenberg.

Local police provide security and shut down roads well in advance of the first sight of his imposingly dark, state-of-the art bus. Secret Service agents provide a protective circle at every moment.

News camera crews, photographers and reporters in his entourage run to capture every moment of public interaction, hoping for an impromptu moment. The press corps follows Obama on chartered buses and a plane ? a luxury that none of the Republican candidates have yet.

There was enough of a campaign feel to the trip that Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called on Obama to use his campaign's money to finance the trip. The White House dismissed such calls, arguing the trip fell within the demands of the president's job as chief executive.

Yet Obama has criticized congressional Republicans and GOP presidential candidates, directly and indirectly, on the tour. At the same time, he has had to defend himself before supporters who questioned his backbone.

He has promoted modest policies to spur the economy ? far less ambitious than the 2009 stimulus package he pushed through Congress ? while also calling for long-term fiscal discipline. The president pulled into this northeastern Iowa town with some modest announcements of federal support, include targeted loans to rural small businesses and recruitment of more doctors for small rural hospitals.

The White House said Tuesday that the Agriculture Department, the Energy Department and the Navy will jointly invest $510 million to produce "advanced" biofuels that can be used to power military and commercial transportation. The initiative was first announced by Obama in March as a part of a plan to reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil.


Associated Press writers Ben Feller, Julie Pace and Mary Clare Jalonick in Washington and Philip Elliott, who was traveling in Iowa, contributed to this report.


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