Saturday, December 17, 2011

Research on Insurance Fund Management in China Rural Area ...

?Abstract? As the advent of the 21st century, our country becomes an aging society before it becomes rich and structure and number of population age have greatly changed. Especially for a large agricultural country with a population of 1,300,000,000, 56% of which is rural population, aging brings about such a burden for both economic and social development and for elderly support in rural family that it is necessary to further disseminate rural social endowment insurance system. Since rural social endowment insurance system affects the lives of peasants of 56% of the total population, efficiency and effectiveness of funding management, which is the core component of this system, is the key to the implementation of endowment insurance system. Therefore, solving the funding of the endowment insurance reasonably is critical to solving the problems in rural endowment insurance in China. Only by perfecting funding management of rural endowment insurance can we ensure the profit of elderly peasants, promote rural economic development and reformational deepening, and effectively guarantee the stability and harmonious construction of New Socialistic Countryside.This article begins with the current situation of rural social endowment insurance and summarizes various problems as well as their causes. Based on these causes and successful experiences borrowed from foreign funding management of endowment insurance, in combination with national situation, a mode was proposed that fund raising responsibility should be assumed through nation, collectives, and individuals. National fiscal subsidies should become a stable funding source. We must found governmental fiscal supportive fund-raising mode, systemize the supplementary source from collective economic subsidies, and explore a new mechanism for fund raising by combining farmland circulation, exchange of agricultural product for insurance, and rural social endowment insurance system with family population policy. This article also points to establishing Chinese Rural Endowment Insurance Funding Management Model-Financial Institute Entrusted Model combining successful experiences of foreign countries and our national situation, delimiting explicitly administration management main body, entrusted body, and supervising body of the raised fund and the function and responsibility of each side, and fulfilling a professional division of investmental operation to form a reciprocal restriction system. Four fundamental principles were proposed for the inevestmental operation of rural social endowment insurance fund, which proposed that besides those traditional investment methods including bank deposit and national bond, new investment methods can also be applied such as real estate investment, enterprise bonds and stocks, industrial investment, entrust loan and capital usage leases. Finally, on the basis of absorbing success of foreign experiences, supervising situation of endowment fund was reformed, operational supervising system based on rural social security administration department was founded, the founding of professional operational supervising of endowment insurance fund as well as the evaluation index of the supervising was proposed. In addition, by reducing the investmental risk through building withdrawal mechanism of mutual fund companies, hopefully a brand-new model of fund supervising and management of rural social endowment insurance that is able to better solve existing problems will be established.

Title: Research on Insurance Fund Management in China Rural Area
Category: Finance economics
Filename: Research on Insurance Fund Management in China Rural Area.pdf
Pages: 162
Price: US$38.00
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