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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
How do you define greatness? ? LH Kids & Teens Link
October 31, 2012 at 7:06 am livinghopeomaha
It was the LORD?s will to crush him and cause him to suffer. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied. Therefore I will give him a portion among the great. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. ?Isaiah 53:10-12
How do you define greatness? ?According to one dictionary, greatness is defined as ?a person who has achieved importance or distinction in a field.?
Would you define greatness with the name Felix Baumgartner? On October 14, Baumgartner set the record for successfully skydiving from a height of 24 miles above the earth. He also became the first person to break the speed of sound outside of a vehicle. That is pretty great. According to the world, greatness is often displayed through outward acts of glory.
God has a different definition of greatness. Through Isaiah, God defines true greatness with the name Christ Jesus. God?s definition of greatness centers on humble service.Our sinful flesh doesn?t want to hear this. It screams to be first. But Scripture says, ?Pride goes before destruction? (Proverbs 16:18). There is no place in the Christian life for selfish ambition. Selfish desire for greatness separates us from God and casts us under his judgment.
But God doesn?t want anyone to suffer for sin. Instead, it was the LORD?s will to crush Jesus under the weight of our sin and cause him to suffer for our guilt.When it comes to greatness, no one has achieved greater importance or distinction than Jesus. Baumgartner descended from a height of 24 miles above the earth. Jesus came from heaven itself. Baumgartner broke the sound barrier. Jesus bore the sins of the world, breaking the sin barrier between us and God. Jesus is great, not because he performed signs and wonders, but because he provided our salvation.
God crushed Jesus for our guilt so that you have forgiveness. God raised Jesus from the dead so you will see the light of life in heaven. God gave Jesus control over all creation so you have the upper hand over all of life?s struggles. That is what makes Jesus great!
Prayer: ?Jesus, you are the greatest! Help me achieve greatness through a life of humble service to you. Amen.
Entry filed under: devotion, Family devotion, Kids, Posts, Teen devotion, Teens. Tags: .
Source: http://lhkidslink.wordpress.com/2012/10/31/how-do-you-define-greatness/
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Nuclear planners visit Anglesey
Officials from Japanese firm Hitachi will visit Anglesey later after taking over a project to build a new nuclear power station on the island.
The Horizon development aims to build a ?8bn replacement for the Wylfa plant.
Up to 6,000 jobs could be created while the new reactors are built.
The officials will meet local groups and politicians in Llangefni after the announcement of the ?700m deal which includes a plan to build a nuclear station at Oldbury, Gloucestershire.
Wylfa was one of a number of sites which was shortlisted for a new nuclear power station last year, to replace its ageing Magnox reactor.
But in March this year, the two German companies behind the project - E.ON and RWE - announced they were pulling out.
They blamed the global economic crisis and Germany's decision to phase out nuclear power in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident in Japan.
There is some opposition to nuclear power on Anglesey and there is likely to be controversy as other countries reconsider their nuclear power plans in the light of Fukushima.
'Excellent news'Welsh Secretary David Jones called it a "huge boost" while First Minister Carwyn Jones said it was "very good news for Wales and the UK".
Richard Foxhall, the stakeholders relations manager for Horizon, told BBC Radio Wales that workers welcomed the news.
"Since the announcement yesterday, for myself and for my colleagues in Horizon we are absolutely over the moon because we don't have to go looking for new jobs," he said.
"It was seen very much as a going concern and the work that's been put in by our staff really made sure that we were a good asset to put on the market.
"We are all absolutely delighted by the result."
He added that the workforce was "bursting" to find out the plans for the future.
Anglesey council leader Bryan Owen said the deal was a "massive boost" to the island's economy and that of north Wales, while local MP Albert Owen said it was "an important step forward".
However, there will be a gap of several years between the old plant stopping producing electricity and the new one becoming operational.
The existing Wylfa plant, which has been producing energy since 1971, is set to continue generating electricity until the fuel runs out or September 2014, whichever comes first.
The Horizon project under E.ON and RWE expected Wylfa B to start producing electricity around 2020 but Hitachi's plans now mention "the first half of the 2020s".
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Google Chrome Remote Desktop final released
Google launched Chrome Remote Desktop about a year ago for the Chrome web browser and Chrome OS to add remote desktop features to both systems. It enables Chrome users to remote access another computer, their own or a third party computer, through the Chrome web browser.? It can be used for tech support, say when your parents once again experience issues with their computer, or to access data on another computer that is in another physical location.
Chrome Remote Desktop has now been released as a final version by Google after a year of tweaking and improvements. The application is cross-platform and works as long as Chrome is installed on the system. Remote assistance capabilities are available for Windows, Mac and Linux, while desktop access is only available for Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.6 or newer versions of the operating systems.
To get started, install the application from the Chrome Web Store on at least one system running the Google Chrome web browser or Chrome OS. If you want to remote access your own computer systems, make sure the app is installed on all systems that you want to access this way. Note that you need to sign in to your Google account to install the app, that the app has a size of about 20 Megabytes, and that you need to give it certain rights before you can use it.
Whenever you start the app afterwards, the following screen will pop up.
Here you need to select whether you want to access one of your own computers where Chrome Remote Desktop is running on, or use it for remote assistance instead which is ideal if you want someone else to take a look at your computer, for instance for tech support.
The final version of Chrome Remote Desktop brings along several new features which should come in handy. This includes the ability to copy and paste between local and remote computer systems or the streaming of audio from one computer to another. The latter is currently only available on Windows systems.
Chrome Remote Desktop is an alternative to popular desktop applications like TeamViewer. It is in some regards limited though, as it requires Chrome to be installed on the computer while TeamViewer does not have that restriction.
Enjoyed the article?: Then sign-up for our free newsletter or RSS feed to kick off your day with the latest technology news and tips, or share the article with your friends and contacts on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ using the icons below.Chrome Remote Desktop Beta Extension
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About the Author:Martin Brinkmann is a journalist from Germany who founded Ghacks Technology News Back in 2005. He is passionate about all things tech and knows the Internet and computers like the back of his hand. You can follow Martin on Facebook or Twitter.
Author: Martin Brinkmann, Wednesday October 31, 2012 -
Tags:google chrome, remote-desktop, teamviewer
Categories: Browsing, Google Chrome
Source: http://www.ghacks.net/2012/10/31/google-chrome-remote-desktop-final-released/
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Petit George: Homey cafe serving tasty burgers and salads ...
Smooshed between a Coco and a convenience store underneath a freeway might seem a peculiar spot to find a snug little Western cafe. But take one step inside Petit George, and the raucous squawks and neon lights of Shanghai immediately evaporate, leaving you wondering if you're still in Asia.
Imagine an antique book/trinket shop in a quiet coastal town - dim candles, wooden everything, drawn drapes, rococo and landscape paintings, baskets with dried leaves and twigs in them, the whole nine yards. The service is also about as speedy and attentive as an antique bookstore's, to the point that you'll probably have to get up at some point during the evening to check on your order, or even order in the first place. To their credit, they seemed undermanned.
Nothing too surprising here, just your normal roster of salads, pizzas, burgers, and sides. Pizzas are well priced, ranging from 38-68RMB for the six-inch option, and 58-98RMB for the 12-inch. And even if you're not big on salads, definitely try the George Signature Salad (45RMB), a large wooden bowl of mixed greens, eggs, balsamic and olive oil, and thick, bleeding slices of steak - a must for any salad. Also go for the 12-in thin-crust Parma ham and mushroom pizza (88RMB).
You can't go wrong with the burgers either, the only disclaimer being that the George signature burger (55RMB) doesn't actually have a meat patty even though it's not made clear on the menu. On first glance, we thought they simply forgot to slip it in. Standing in for beef is a UFO-sized portobello mushroom piled with greasy bacon and cheese, and paired with mixed-greens and bulky steak fries. And even as cretaceous carnivores, we have to say, the mushroom-burger was pretty damn tasty. The cushion-y mushroom leaked earthy juice that dripped onto the bacon, and we have kind've a soft spot for those fake, yellow cheese squares that look like sticky notes.
Wet your lips with a choice of fruit smoothies, beers, or cocktails.
Final thoughts
Even seasoned expats periodically grow sick of Shanghai's spitting, invasion of personal space, tourette's-level horn-honking, deer-in-the-headlights stares when you ask for directions in what you think is clear Chinese, etc. If you're feeling this way, Petit George is your refuge. And the food's not half bad.
Petit George - 1794 Yanan Xi Lu, near Tianshan Lu, Changning district (???????1794?, ????). Tel: (0)21-5224-2933. Hours: 11am-11pm daily.
Benjamin Cost is Shanghaiist's Food Editor. Email tips, recommendations, and news updates on Shanghai's dining scene to food@shanghaiist.com.
Source: http://shanghaiist.com/2012/10/30/petit_george_homey_cafe_serving_tas.php
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Top Reasons Why a Limited Liability Corporation Makes Sense for ...
Doctors who are interested in learning how niche medical practices can help them make their business operations more efficient will be interested in discovering the sensibility of a limited liability corporation (LLC). Even physicians who are much better versed in healthcare than they are in the legal aspects of running a business often appreciate the value of operating an LLC, particularly when they have chosen to run a cash pay medical practice. Once you have successfully built your cash pay medical practice, your attention will undoubtedly turn to how to effectively protect your business. Among the many benefits of filing your cash pay medical practice as a limited liability corporation are:
? Less paperwork than a traditional corporation. In the spirit of reducing overall paperwork, many firms that specialize in marketing for physicians will suggest forming a limited liability corporation. Forming a corporation usually means that physicians will need to keep substantial records and maintain meticulous paper records; this administrative headache is largely avoided by filing to have your cash pay medical practice designated as a limited liability corporation. ? Ability to form an LLC with a single owner. Physicians who have chosen to use healthcare marketing tools to establish a cash only practice often run a single-physician office. Many states allow the formation of LLC?s with a single owner, which means that the process is streamlined even further. No hassles with Boards of Directors; and the ability to make decisions yourself-?this is an important benefit of forming an LLC. ? Default tax classification. Utilizing default tax classification, physicians are often able to save money on taxes. Tax liability is assessed at the member level, rather than at the overall LLC level. Some states, however, will levy a -?franchise tax-? from limited liability corporations as compensation for the privilege of limited liability. Having an LLC also means that it combines the limited liability features of a corporation and the flow-through tax treatment of income and losses of a partnership. ? Limited liability. Medical marketing firms will often tout the benefits of limited legal and fiscal liability that comes with a limited liability corporation. Members-?in this case the physician/owner-?are protected from some of the acts and debts of the corporation. Firms that provide healthcare marketing resources can give interested physicians the particulars about legal liability. Unlike a general partnership, owners of an LLC have limited liability and, unlike limited partners in a limited partnership, they do not lose their limited liability if they actively participate in management. ? Free from the rules of an S corporation. While its flow-through tax advantages are generally slightly superior to those of an S corporation, an LLC is not subject to the numerous technical rules that apply to S corporations. Thus, for example, an LLC can have more than 35 shareholders; have foreign owners (-?members-?); have owners that are corporations, partnerships, trusts, or other LLCs; own 80% or more of the stock of an affiliated corporation; derive a large portion of its revenue from certain net passive income sources; and issue more than one class of stock. Violation of any one of these technical restrictions would disqualify an S corporation. To help physicians decide if a cash pay medical practice or a limited liability corporation is a possibility for their situation, Hippocrates Publishing stands available as an excellent medical marketing resource. Since 2004, Hippocrates Publishing has provided informative resources to thousands of medical professionals in countries around the globe. Hippocrates Publishing?s distinctive specialty is writing and publishing books and instructive booklets that guide physicians towards finding success with medical practice marketing and niche medical practices. Visit www.HippocratesPublishing.com or call today at 877-408-2462 for additional information on how to turn your cash pay medical practice into a limited liability corporation.
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Ben Affleck Reveals Why He Hates the Show 'Homeland'
Ben Affleck can't stand to watch Homeland, despite the prestigious Showtime drama's six Emmys and stellar reputation.
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Justin Bieber's Tattoo: Singer Debuts New Owl Ink On Instagram ...
Chris Brown
Chris Brown shocked fans when he debuted a tattoo of a what looks to be a battered woman on his neck on Sept. 1. Many questioned whether or not it was meant to be Rihanna, but Brown's rep insists his ink is of a sugar skull, which is associated with the Mexican celebration of The Day of the Dead. Days later, Brown debuted his tattoo of a fighter jet, which just so happens to be in the same spot as Rihanna's new ink of the goddess Isis. Hmm....
Here it is: Rihanna's latest tattoo, which she got in honor of her late grandmother. The singer posted the photo on Instagram, writing, "Goddess Isis - Complete Woman - Model for future generations - #GRANGRANDOLLY - always in and on my heart #1love." It's a beautiful tribute, but Chris Brown's follow-up ink makes us question the status of their relationship.
Ke$ha topped the list for worst tattoo back in June when she debuted her new "Suck It!" mouth ink on Instagram. We don't really know why she decided to get this tattooed on her lower lip, but to be honest, we don't really want to ...
Angelina Jolie
Ah, one of the most infamous celebrity tattoos: Angelina Jolie's ink tribute to her ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton, who she was married to from 2000-2003. Jolie has since got her "Billy Bob" tattoo removed and replaced it with the longitudes and latitudes of the birth places of her six children with fianc? Brad Pitt.
Britney Spears
Britney Spears was thrilled when she got a tattoo of a Chinese symbol on her hip that stood for "mysterious." Sadly, Spears didn't check what she was permanently putting on her body, considering the symbol ended up standing for "Strange." Whoops ...
Chad 'Ochocinco' Johnson
Chad Johnson (formerly Chad Ochocinco) was distraught after his wife of a few weeks, reality star Evelyn Lozada, filed for divorce on Aug. 14. The NFL player allegedly head-butted Lozada following an argument, which left him in jail and out of a job. So, in order to prove his love for his wife, Johnson tattooed her face on his right leg. Well, he better start removing that one.
Dean McDermott
Dean McDermott really loves his wife ... no, really. The actor got Tori Spelling's face tattooed on his left tricep to represent his "undying love" for her. He also has two other tattoos for Spelling, including one of an angel displaying the words "Truly, Madly, Deeply, Tori" and a cross reading "Tori Girl."
Kat Von D
Kat Von D probably regrets her decision to tattoo a picture of ex-fianc? Jesse James as a little boy on the side of her body. (The pair split last summer). At least she has enough ink to distract onlookers from catching a glimpse of the now-awkward tattoo.
Kate Gosselin
She may not think it's a bad tattoo, but Kate Gosselin's ankle ink of Pooh Bear is a little disturbing. Then again, we're sure her eight kids love it ... well, until they hit their teens.
Megan Fox
Megan Fox might have loved Marilyn Monroe when she decided to ink her famous face on her right forearm, but the actress is currently in the process of removing the tattoo. Why? Fox told <a href="http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-body/news/megan-fox-why-im-removing-my-marilyn-monroe-tattoo-2011238" target="_hplink">Amica magazine</a> Monroe was "a negative person ... disturbed, bipolar." Adding, "I'm removing it ... I do not want to attract this kind of negative energy in my life."
Kimberly Stewart
Kimberly Stewart obviously loves her dad, Rod Stewart, but did she have to go as far as getting "Daddy's Little Girl" tattooed right "there"? Probably not. It just makes us uncomfortable.
Lily Allen
Lily Allen's tattoo is pretty self-explanatory. That's why it's just unnecessary. The singer has the word "Shhh..." inked on her finger. Ironically enough, Rihanna <a href="http://www.justjared.com/2009/02/19/lily-allen-copies-rihannas-shhh-tattoo/" target="_hplink">reportedly</a> has the same one!
Margaret Cho
Margaret Cho started getting major tattoo work done in 2006 and has continued to ink herself over the years. Our favorite piece of body artwork? Her old-timey barmaid garter and gun! One of a kind.
Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson might have one of the most recognizable tattoos in Hollywood, thanks in part to his cameo in the hit movie "The Hangover." But the ink really got famous when Tyson's tattoo artist sued the producers of "The Hangover 2," claiming the face ink Ed Helms sported was too similar to Tyson's, which he owned the copyright to. The dispute was settled and Tyson's tat is still firmly inked on his face.
Steve-O doesn't just have one bad tattoo, he has dozens. But the "Jackass" star knows his tats are stupid, and that's why he loves them! "I never get a tattoo unless I know it will make somebody smile," he said. Hey, got to love him!
Hayden Panettiere
Hayden Panettiere's tattoo can be seen peeking out of her red-carpet dresses, but do you know it has no meaning? The "Nashville" star accidentally misspelled the Italian phrase "Vivere senza rimipianti," which means "to live without regrets" on her back. <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/21/hayden-panettieres-misspe_n_206263.html" target="_hplink">Her tattoo reads </a>"rimipianti" instead of "rimpianti."
Ryan Gosling
Did you know Mr. Ryan Gosling had tattoos? Well, he does. And surprisingly, he thinks they're pretty stupid. "I like when [tattoos] look bad, but no one will do bad tattoos," he told <a href="http://www.wmagazine.com/celebrities/2010/10/michelle_williams_ryan_gosling" target="_hplink">W magazine</a> in 2010 of his various arm tattoos. "So I did one myself. That"s why it"s bad. I"m waiting to get old -- I think old guys with tattoos look good." We have no doubt Gosling will always look good.
Price check on Pink! The singer has a barcode on the back of her neck, which might just possibly be one of the silliest tats ever. Reportedly the code is made up of her birthdate (9/8/79), the release date of her album "Missundaztood" (11/20/01) and her lucky number (13).
Gucci Mane
Gucci Mane debuted his new tattoo of an ice cream cone with three scoops and the word "Brrr" across the right side of his face in January 2011. If you're wondering what it means, so are we. According <a href="http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/what-does-gucci-manes-ice-cream-cone-tattoo-mean-20110113" target="_hplink">to his rep</a>, he wants fans to know that he lives his life "Cool as ice... as in 'I'm so icy, I'll make ya say Brrr."
Marc Jacobs
Marc Jacobs has a couple of interesting tattoos, but his most peculiar is an image of Spongebob SquarePants on his right bicep. "I just think the colors of that particular cartoon are really beautiful and really sophisticated and interesting," Jacobs told <a href="http://nymag.com/thecut/2008/02/marc_jacobs_wears_his_spongebo.html" target="_hplink">NY Magazine</a> of the unique ink.
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Omaha NE Home Health Care Practitioners Can Help You - ArticleSpy
Being responsible for an elderly family member or friend is an everyday challenge. And its not just age that can bring about this scenario. Maybe your loved one has a mental disorder, received grave injuries, or went through a traumatic incident that has left him or her fully incapacitated. No matter what the reason for it is, you are suddenly confronted by this big obligation.
You don't need to be the only individual to step in. Whether you are in a tight spot and decisions must be made rapidly or are searching for a permanent arrangement, an Omaha NE home health care provider can easily present answers you need. These professionals are totally capable of caring for your elder family member, even if he is battling a physical or mental condition. Home health care service providers can relieve the heavy burden that you may be feeling.
Exactly what kind of help does your loved one need? Long-term care or aid for a short periodjust until he completely bounces back? Are his conditions only temporary? If not, what living arrangements do you think are more suitable? If you want him to stay in your own home, what kind of elder services will you organize for him? How will you handle it all and still lead your own life?
An experienced home health care professional can help you answer these concerns. Hence, it is important to choose a professional properly and not recklessly decide on one without doing some research. Your loved one will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts, even if he is not able to say it.
When trying to find the right Omaha assisted living providers, it's highly recommended to start small and ask those who you trust for suggestions. You might also inquire with your doctor if he knows of any trustworthy in-house elderly care services. You might stumble upon lots of different choices, so it is vital to keep your composure and not get overwhelmed. If you have numerous options, pick only those that are licensed by the state.
Licensed care providers make sure that their employees receive continuous education and training. This means that the services they provide satisfy industry requirements, and this is an important consideration when deciding on the right care service provider for your loved one. Learn more about the services you could receive from home care professionals by seeing ehow.com/facts_4856608_inhome-care-elderly.html.
About the author:For more details, search home health care omaha ne and omaha assisted living in Google for related information.
Source: http://www.articlespy.com/article/4232/omaha-ne-home-health-care-practitioners-can-help-you/
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Revolutionary Mobile Audio Solution Delivers Over 5 Times the ...
Bangalore : ?A revolutionary embedded algorithm in a new audio system from NXP Semiconductors N.V. boosts the output power of micro speakers by over 5 times, vastly improving the sound quality of mobile devices. By driving over 2.6 watts RMS into micro speakers that have previously been limited to 0.5 W, the NXP TFA9887 IC will give mobile phones, portable music players and tablets much louder sound, deeper bass, and higher sound quality ? without risking speaker damage. With a unique combination of safety features including adaptive excursion control and real-time temperature protection, the TFA9887 monitors speakers through a current-sensing amplifier and enables safe operation while working at near peak output at all times.
?Digital natives have come of age taking poor mobile sound quality for granted. As speakers have become smaller, the quiet, tinny sound we?ve come to associate with mobile devices has got even worse,? said Shawn Scarlett, director of marketing, mobile audio product line, NXP Semiconductors. ?Our new audio system transforms the listening experience, enabling louder, richer sound quality from virtually any mobile device. The improvement is so striking that consumers, handset makers and operators will immediately hear the difference.?
No need to cut bass frequencies
Speaker makers have to balance competing demands for good sound, small size and reliability. As micro speakers have shrunk, phone, media player and tablet designers have been forced to limit output power and sound quality. Amplifiers could easily deliver enough power to destroy the speaker at one frequency, while under-powering it at others. Until now, it has been impossible for system designers to know for sure when it was safe to apply extra power. The rule has therefore been to cut out bass frequencies and limit output power to avoid blowing the speaker ? a common cause of failures in mobiles.
By incorporating circuits that monitor speaker performance and prevent damage, the NXP TFA9887 IC allows designers to break this rule. Adaptive excursion control measures the actual excursion of the speaker membrane to ensure that it never exceeds its rated limit. Real-time temperature protection measures the voice-coil temperature directly to prevent thermal damage.
Boosting audio performance
Because the speaker is fully protected, the system can deliver significant levels of extra power to make the sound louder and better than before. The TFA9887 optimizes the audio signal based on the movement of the speaker, something no other system is capable of, using the full capabilities of the speaker without pushing beyond the limits. An advanced clip avoidance algorithm monitors audio performance and prevents clipping, even when the power supply begins to sag. Bandwidth extension increases the low frequency response well below speaker resonance. And an intelligent DC-to-DC boost converter maximizes audio headroom from any supply level despite battery undervoltage. The TFA9887 automatically adapts to any changes in the speaker ? including ageing, damage to the enclosure, and blocked speaker ports ? helping to optimize performance and maintain the desired sound quality.
The entire system is integrated into a single chip with digital interfaces for portable devices. The IC incorporates NXP?s CoolFlux audio DSP, a high-efficiency class-D amplifier with current sensing, and a DC-to-DC boost converter. The advanced, embedded algorithms require no separate licensing. Additional tools allow designers to customize audio sound quality and choose how to optimize mobile device performance.
Product samples and demo boards of the TFA9887 are available immediately to qualified customers.
Popularity: unranked [?]
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Undocumented Father Gets Visa To Fight for His Children ? Fathers ...
United States Immigration authorities have granted a Mexican man additional time in which to try to regain custody of his children before being returned to his native country.?Read about it here (Colorlines, 10/26/12). ?Felipe Montes lived in North Carolina with his wife Maria and their three children, ages 1, 3 and 4.? He was here illegally, so, when he was stopped for a traffic violation, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deported him to Mexico.
That was in 2010.? With Montes gone, the local Child Protective Services took the three children into foster care due to Maria?s problems with illicit drug use and mental problems.? The children have now been in foster care for two years and their foster families want to adopt them.
But Felipe didn?t give up on getting his kids back? With the help of the Mexican Consulate, he hired an attorney and ICE did something that?s (a) to its everlasting credit and (b) something I?ve never seen before.? It allowed Montes a 90-day humanitarian visa that would allow him to be present in court when the custody decisions about his kids were made.? Then ICE went one better; when the original 90 days proved insufficient to complete the decision-making about custody, it granted him still more time in this country.? Montes now has until December 23rd, and his attorney believes the case should be decided by November 19th or close to it.
We?re seeing this more and more.? When parents in this country are discovered and deported, the question arises ? what about their kids?? Particularly if a foreign-born person has children with?an American spouse who then proves to be an unfit parent, child welfare authorities routinely opt to place the kids in foster care and have them adopted rather than keep them?with the deported parent.? So far we?ve seen this play out in Idaho and Michigan with different results in each state.
The?Idaho Supreme Court sharply rebuked a lower court and the local child welfare authority for attempting to force adoption on a little boy who had a perfectly fit father in Mexico.? It rightly ruled that the father had not been shown to be unfit and thus had parental rights superior to those of anyone else.? The Michigan courts reached a different conclusion that I would argue is wrong both legally and morally.
In Montes? case,?I would argue that, because he?s the children?s natural father, his rights trump those of all comers save?Maria?s if she ever proves herself to be a fit, loving?mother.? There?s so far no evidence that Montes is an unfit parent and, I suspect, if he were, the State of North Carolina would have proved?it by now.? What?we know is that he?s a father who?s bent heaven and earth to try to keep his family together in the face of?a powerful state agency that?s bent on tearing it apart.? Short of a showing of unfitness, Felipe Montes? sons need to live with him; they need to reestablish relationships with their father and their?grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. in Mexico.
Roughly a century of Supreme Court precedent shows that states may not terminate or diminish the rights of?a parent absent a showing of unfitness on that parent?s part.? Those rulings apply to aliens in this country -even illegally ? as surely?as they do to citizens.? The argument will be made ? doubtless has already been made ? that the best interests of the children demand that they?remain in their foster homes.? Whether explicitly or implicitly, part of that argument is that the children would live more affluent lifestyles in this country than they would in Mexico.? After all, Montes likely came here because his circumstances there were poor.
But the argument that the well-to-do should have first claim on the children of the poor is a non-starter for what should be obvious reasons.? It?s true that the children have lived with their foster families for two years, but those children can adjust to their father?s care with no undue hardship.? Importantly, the county child welfare authority has seen fit to separate the boys from each other during that time.? That?s not a prescription for the best interests of the children, while being back together in the care of their father is.
Another fact militating in Montes? favor is that these boys have a father who wants to care for them and likely is qualified to do so.? Good foster families are in short supply; there are far more children who need adopting out of foster care than there are foster parents to adopt them.? For a judge to terminate Montes? rights and force adoption on his sons would be bad enough in its own right.? But doing so would simultaneously deny foster care and adoption to other children who desperately need parents.
The options and the consequences of each are clear enough.? Felipe Montes needs his children, and they need him.
Meanwhile, let?s give an unaccustomed shout-out to ICE that showed the intelligence and the humanity to allow a father the right to return to this country to fight in person the most important fight of his life.? I hope the agency?s action is a template for future cases.? We see these cases more and more, and attorneys for deported parents should never miss an opportunity to request the type of humanitarian visa that was granted to Montes.? Physical presence in the courtroom is indispensible, particularly for parents who otherwise would be trying to keep custody of their children in a foreign language and at a great distance.
Fathers and Families is a Shared Parenting Organization
Fathers and Families is a non-profit organization that is educating the public, families, educators, and legislators about the importance of shared parenting and how it can reduce conflict in children, parents and extended families. If you would like to get involved in our organization, you can do so several ways. First, we would love to have you as an official member of the Fathers and Families team. Second, Fathers and Families is an organization that believes in the importance of using social media as a means to spread the word about shared parenting and other topics, and you can visit us on our Facebook Page to learn more about our efforts. Last, we hope you will share this article with other families using the many social networking sites so that we can bring about greater awareness of shared parenting.? Thank you for your support.
This entry was posted on Monday, October 29th, 2012 at 9:24 am and is filed under Bills/Initiatives, Elections, Politics, Court Cases, Family Law/Divorce/Separation/Child Custody, Foster Care. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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Shehla Masood case: Medico-legal official deposes in court | Firstpost
Indore: A medico-legal official, who first examined and conducted autopsy on the body of RTI activist Shehla Masood, who was killed last year, today appeared as a prosecution witness in a special court here.
Masood (38) was shot dead in her car outside her residence in Bhopal on August 16, 2011 when she was about to leave for an anti-corruption rally.
Zahida Pervez, Masood?s interior designer-friend, and four others, including three shooters, have been named accused in the case by the CBI.
Courtesy: ibn live
The official, D S Badkul, told CBI court judge Anupam Srivastava that he found changes at the crime scene. Masood?s body was shifted from the driver?s seat to adjacent seat.
Badkul was crossed-examined by Sunil Srivastava, counsel for Saba Farooqui, Zahida?s friend and one of the accused.
To a question by Srivastava, Badkul said only arms experts can say what kind of firearm, a country-made revolver or a licenced pistol ? was used in the crime. The prosecution witness was also cross-examined by
Zahida?s counsel A J Bhojwani, and Pervez Alam, advocate for alleged shooters Saquib Danger and Tabish Khan.
Earlier, the medico-legal official was examined by senior public prosecutor Hemant Shukla. Second prosecution witness Shivcharan Sharma, a government photographer, failed to appear in the court today.
The trial will resume on November 26, when two more prosecution witnesses S K Singh and B K Mahapatra, besides Sharma, would depose.
All five accused, who were present in the court today, have been charged with murder and criminal conspiracy.
Source: http://www.firstpost.com/india/shehla-masood-case-medico-legal-official-deposes-in-court-508711.html
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Cameron faces Commons trouncing on budget as Blair warns over ...
David Cameron faces a damaging Commons defeat over Europe tomorrow after Downing St opposed demands from Conservative backbenchers and the Labour Party for a cut to the EU?s budget.
The Prime Minister wants to limit any increase to the budget to about 2 per cent a year, in line with inflation.
But Tory rebels will attempt to inflict defeat on the Government during a vote on the issue by calling for a ?real-terms cut?.
Ed Balls, the Shadow Chancellor, and Douglas Alexander, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, used an article in The Times yesterday to support a cut, paving the way
Source: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/politics/article3583186.ece
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2 top executives leaving Apple
Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during an event to announce new products, including the iPad mini, in San Jose, Calif., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. Apple Inc. is refusing to compete on price with its rivals in the tablet market, it's pricing its new, smaller iPad well above the competition. On Tuesday, the company revealed the iPad Mini, with a screen that's about two-thirds the size of the full-size model, and said it will cost $329 and up. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during an event to announce new products, including the iPad mini, in San Jose, Calif., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. Apple Inc. is refusing to compete on price with its rivals in the tablet market, it's pricing its new, smaller iPad well above the competition. On Tuesday, the company revealed the iPad Mini, with a screen that's about two-thirds the size of the full-size model, and said it will cost $329 and up. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
NEW YORK (AP) ? Apple Inc. shook up its executive ranks Monday, saying the head of its store operations is leaving after just six months on the job and the long-serving head of its iPhone software development operations is exiting next year.
Apple didn't say why retail senior vice president John Browett and iOS software SVP Scott Forstall were leaving, but both have presided over missteps this year.
Browett cut staffing hours at Apple's retail stores, a move the company reversed and acknowledged as a mistake. Forstall's division launched a software update in September that replaced Google Maps with Apple's first mapping application. It quickly drew unfavorable comparisons to the software it was replacing, and Apple apologized.
Browett's departure is immediate, and the company is looking for a replacement. Forstall will act as an advisor to CEO Tim Cook until he leaves, Apple said. His responsibilities will be divided among other Apple veterans.
Forstall joined Apple in 1997 with the company's purchase of Steve Jobs' NeXT startup. Apple credits him as one of the original architects of Mac OS X.
Craig Federighi, who is now in charge of the Mac OS, will add iOS development to his responsibilities, Apple said, but Jony Ive, the chief designer behind the distinctive look of Apple hardware, will take responsibility for the look and feel of Apple's software.
Eddy Cue, head of Apple's online services and iTunes, will assume responsibility for Maps and Siri, the "virtual assistant" application on the iPhone and iPad.
Browett took over the store operations after Ron Johnson, who helped create the Apple stores, left to become CEO at J.C. Penney Co. in November.
Apple has more than 360 stores, and they're unique in several ways. They sell more per square foot than any other chain in the U.S., yet they account for just 12 percent of Apple's overall sales. They're ambassadors of Apple's brand, and provide customers with an easy way to access in-person technical support.
At the time Browett was appointed, commentators wondered what an executive from a traditional retail operation would bring to Apple. Browett's move to cut staffing appeared to be motivated by a desire to improve profits, but Apple divisions don't have their own profit-and-loss accounts; they're supposed to support the company as a whole.
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Resistance Band Exercises for Leg | Bodybuilding, Supplements ...
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
Grab the handles of the band and raise your hands about shoulder height with your palms facing forward and elbows pointed to the ground to create tension.
*If your band is shorter, grab the handles and place your hands at your side to create tension.
Slowly bend your knees and lower your body into a squat position, keeping your back straight.
Rise back up to starting position.
Repeat 10-20 times and do 3-5 sets (beginners do 1-2 sets).
Outer Thigh Stretch
Loop one handle around your right ankle and stand on the band with both feet together.
Hold the other handle in your left hand.
Slowly raise your right leg out to the side and make sure you keep your body stable.
Lower back down and repeat 10-20 times and do 3-5 sets (beginners do 1-2 sets).
Then alternate and do left leg.
Inner Thigh Stretch
Wrap center of the band around a stable object about knee high.
Loop both handles around your right ankle and stand on your left leg. Your right leg should be next to the object and off the ground so there is tension in the band.
Slowly pull your right leg in toward your left leg and then back out.
Repeat 10-20 times and do 3-5 sets (beginners do 1-2 sets).
Then alternate and do left leg.
Calf Raises
With the balls of your feet, stand on the center of the band and feet slightly apart.
Standing upright, grab the handles of the band or lower to create tension.
Slowly raise your heels off the floor and then back down.
Repeat 10-20 times and do 3-5 sets (beginners do 1-2 sets).
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eBay Confirms 325 Layoffs At PayPal - Business Insider
PayPal used to have nine different product-development units. It recently collapsed those into one. Marcus has also been trying to cut out bureaucracy and get PayPal moving faster against nimble competitors like Stripe and Square.
Still, it's awful for those who are losing their jobs.
Here's Marcus's note:
Today?s news
Delighting our customers every day with great, simple products and experiences is a priority for me, and for everyone at PayPal. It's something we need to become better and faster at. And that means we need to transform how we work.
So we've been redesigning our product organization, collapsing nine product groups into one. We are creating agile teams of designers, engineers and product managers. Instead of being organized around projects, our teams will now be dedicated to products and focused on our customers ? consumers, developers, small businesses and large retailers.
Unfortunately, making the right decisions on behalf of our customers meant we had to make some very tough decisions inside our company. This morning we informed approximately 325 full time employees, primarily in our product and technology organizations, that their roles are being eliminated. We also are ending contracts with approximately 120 contractors globally.
While PayPal is strong and performing well, making decisions that impact our employees was hard. So this is a difficult day at PayPal. These are good people, good friends and colleagues, who have played a role in creating PayPal's strong global leadership position today. We appreciate all the contributions that they have made. And they are being treated with fairness and dignity, consistent with our culture and values.
Moving forward, I'm confident these changes will make PayPal even better and stronger. Our customers can expect faster innovation and great products and experiences that make their lives simpler. That's our commitment ? every day.
- David Marcus, President, PayPal
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Update: Hurricane Sandy Hits U.S. East Coast, What You Need to Know
GOWANUS, NEW YORK CITY?The winds continue to increase here, howling past windows and splattering the rain. Tiny beads of water almost feel like sand when you step outside thanks to the strong gusts. Such is Hurricane Sandy as it speeds into the New York metropolitan region and prepares to turn and slam in slow motion into the southern coast of New Jersey tonight.
At the same time, the storm will be merging with other weather systems to form what?s known as a ?post-tropical cyclone,? or Frankenstorm as some meteorologists have called it in honor of the approaching Halloween holiday. And this Frankenstorm will be capable of dropping as much as three feet of snow in the mountains of West Virginia while dumping rain as far east as Rhode Island.
In fact, Hurricane Sandy stretches more than 1,000 miles, exposing a vast swath of the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and inland to hurricane force winds of as much as 90 miles-per-hour. Winds are being affected from Maine to Florida and inland as far west as the Mississippi River. And the storm won?t stop for a few days.
Already, sea levels are elevated from North Carolina up through Long Island, New York. These high water levels will rise an extra foot or two thanks to an assist from the full moon, a lunar high tide tonight that will repeat over the next few days as the tide cycles in and out every 12 hours or so. ?It?s going to take until Tuesday or Wednesday for the onshore flow [from Hurricane Sandy] to stop and the water to get back to normal levels,? said National Hurricane Center Director Rick Knabb. In fact, locations like New York City?s harbor, which are expected to bear the largest storm surge, may see water levels rise nearly 12 feet above normal?or roughly three times as high as the surge from last year?s Hurricane Irene. It?s unclear how far that water will penetrate into the five boroughs, but New York City has already ordered residents living along much of the 600 miles of coastline in the city and in low-lying areas, like the Gowanus neighborhood in Brooklyn, to evacuate. That?s where I live and it?s a canal flowing through filled-in swampland?and one of the nation?s newest Superfund sites thanks to a legacy of industrial pollution and sewage overflows.
And then there?s rain, which is already falling steadily. In some places more than a foot of rain may fall, giving rise to the possibility of flash floods and, in coming days, river flooding like that seen in upstate New York and Vermont after Hurricane Irene. Here in Gowanus, the biggest threat may be storm surge paired with the kind of heavy rain that requires the sewer system to discharge directly into the harbor. If those discharge pipes are underwater, the sewer system may back up and overflow back into shower drains and toilets.
One thing that will certainly be underwater here is the subway system, which requires electrical pumps to keep it dry even when it isn?t raining. ?The subway system and saltwater do not mix,? noted New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo in his own press conference today. As a precaution, the subway system has been shut down, forcing would-be evacuees to rely on buses or whatever transport they can find.
Evacuation is critical, said New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, because firemen, police, Coast Guard and other first responders will be put in harm?s way attempting to rescue those who decided to shelter in place and ignore the warnings. President Barack Obama urged those of us in affected areas to heed such warnings in his own comments on Hurricane Sandy. Yet, federal postal workers remained out on the streets delivering mail here today and New York City workers were not given the day off, as residents need them working overtime, according to Bloomberg.
?Time is running out for preparations, especially as conditions deteriorate before landfall tonight,? Knabb added. If you haven?t already, batten down those hatches, get ready to lose power and lay in food, water and batteries for the long haul. Or as Mayor Bloomberg warned earlier today at a press conference: ?You can look out the window and say: ?That?s not bad.? That?s correct. But it will be.?
Image: Courtesy NASA GOES Project
Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=8d650a7410612b8289ee0bfd140efa21
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5 Hurricane Sandy Newsjacks From Marketers
I understand the marketing tactic. My question is, how do you handle a potential backlash from a natural disaster such as this?No. You have crossed the line. This is not just another media event to exploit. If you want to promote helping people in crisis that is one thing. If you are just trying to make a buck while they suffer and you are doing nothing to help then you are not someone I wish to associate with. If by helping them you receive good PR is different. But just scavenging the wreckage is not okay.
You got it right as always HS! I put a quick article together last night about the damage a Cat 1 Hurricane can still do,a few images of damage Sandy left behind in Cuba, had G crawl it, submitted to the usual but what tickled me is Yahoo indexed it in 30 min and G got it for an image then the traffic took off. A quick 434 hits is always nice. Fresher stories from more trusted sources have since pushed article back but hey it was fun while it lasted. So, I'm proof you can create a quick story on breaking news in order to get some quick hits. I didn't write the article for quick hits but just to be ahead of the game for once.
This post is incredibly in poor taste. People are in danger. They need relevant information not the crap you are spewing on this page. No wonder I unsubscribed from your daily email bombs of ebooks and infographics. This was a reminder that I needed to unlike your Facebook page. Thanks.
Thanks for the comments!?
@ward and @steve, sorry we rubbed you the wrong way: this post isn't supposed to be insensitive to anyone who is getting affected by this natural disaster. ?
You both bring up a very good point about crossing a line with newsjacking - marketers need to be very careful regarding the way they talk about world events like this one. There are ways to provide information that is helpful to the community, and ways to always insert your product/service in the conversion and thus alienate people. ?
For instance, Sears above was helpful in the way it created a targeted page that made it easy for people to find the items they might be looking for in an emergency situation.
To piggyback off of Magdalena's comment, I just wanted to apologize for our insensitivity. We should've erred on the side of caution with this post, and we made a mistake. We've made a few adjustments to the article and swapped out the previous call-to-action. While we think there is an interesting marketing lesson here, we hate to offend our readers, and we're very sorry. ?
Pamela Vaughan | HubSpot Blog Manager
I too apologize for my comments and I do hope HubSpot posts this.?
After I submitted my comment and read the post again I knew there would be some backlash. But think people do you really think HS is saying we should all throw up articles on Sandy and use it a way to get conversions? Really??
First of all I doubt too many people who visited my post on Sandy or any others posts are in a buying mood.?
Second of all consumers are way to savvy and would see right through it.?
I believe what HS meant to say was you can write a thoughtful and informative post etc. about a current event or emergency and if done so with sincerity then the article could prove to be beneficial. ?
I recommend not even putting any links other than your resources in the article. ?
When the time comes your readers, clients and or customers may remember the post you wrote (as long as it's sincere and informative)and then visit your site again.?
I in no way took this article wrong or have a problem with it.?
Common sense goes a long way.
While I understand the desire to "hook" on to a relevant story, these examples are pretty tacky. I'll give a bit of leeway to the Sears one, but the rest border on tasteless, and I certainly wouldn't be drawing attention to them. Two Americans have already died, and many more in the Caribbean. The ability to "newsjack" should not simply rest on suggesting a commonality with a major story. It should also pass the "is this in good taste"? question, and the "is it too soon?" question. On both of those, these examples fail.?
I received an email earlier today with the alert that I'd be "blown away" by the deals on shoes and handbags. Not okay. ?
Please rethink this.
Thanks, Dana - that is exactly what we were getting to here.?
@Zen, thanks for the comment! I agree that these examples weren't outstanding. There are certainly better ways to tell helpful and powerful stories. The angle here was mostly on the mix of avenues to tell that story -- through your blog, social media, website, email.
I learned a valuable lesson today from this article. Oftentimes, I find myself solely focusing on metrics, goals, etc. I have a feeling this is easy to do - forget about the bigger picture. I will continue to be a reader of HubSpot content. I have directly implemented several strategies and many tactics from these frequently published articles. Learning is a lifelong adventure. Let us hope for the best and prepare for the worst for Hurricane Sandy.
Tacky and insensitive. I'm more likely to remember businesses negatively when they try to capitalize on disasters.
I wasn't offended, newsjacking is a real thing, like it or not, and while maybe we shouldn't choose to do it in a case like this, there wasn't (at least by the time I read it) anything insensitive in here. Maybe not the best timing, it probably would have been a bit better coming out AFTER the storm, but hey.
I think you guys are overreacting... this is not a "major" catastrophic event. It's a category 1 hurricane. Would be interesting if we could connect a "mood map" to this "catastrophic event" and see how people are dealing. HubSpot has nothing to apologize for.
I think these examples are awesome! What a great opportunity for someone offering funeral services or a will and trusts attorney. Spot on HubSpot!
Right now David Ogilvy is rolling in his grave. It's the insensitive, morally bankrupt, no-low-is-low enough people behind above campaigns that give marketing a bad name. And I'm sure the free "Killer Content" marketing eBook is not lost on the readers. Stay classy HubSpot.
Lighten up folks. If you're offended by these comments in any way you're being far too sensitive and I'm sure every day you shrug off many much more insensitive and objectionable comments that are more worthy of getting yourself into a lather about. ?
Hubspot has nothing to apologize for and the intervention of someone higher up the food chain to apologize serves to indicate you are a bit panicked and that's not necessary. ?
You can't pander to everyone who has a hissy-fit about something they don't like or you would say nothing. In the unlikely event the person threatening to ''unlike' you on Facebook (now there's a mature and serious threat) there will be 5 who do the opposite just to balance the books and say thanks for an interesting and provocative article. ?
I guarantee the threat to unsubscribe or send future Hubspot blogs directly into the fires of hell where they will suffer for eternity along with anyone or thing else this person doesn't like will not happen - they will open immediately and scan in detail your posts looking for further reasons to take offense and evidence of why your blogs should not be read - and probably forward the links to friends and family telling them not to read the blogs either (thus adding gasoline to the fire).?
For my part I'm also unrepentant. We make skin care products and Tweeted 'Looking for quality body exfoliant? Then #Sandy is what you don't want ..." If people find that offensive then I'm sorry that is the case, but won't be apologizing or retracting. ?
Great article Hubspot! Controversy gets attention! Food with no spices can get a little bland and its necessary to add some chilli from time to time as many more will appreciate the variety than seek to have you run out of town because you gave them mild indigestion.
Beyond tacky. I would put these companies on a list of ones I would never do business with.
Tying your business to a current news story is a common PR strategy, and it can be very effective if done right. The problem is that most businesses don't do it right. Remember Kenneth Cole's tweet about the shoe sale during rioting in Cairo? I think it's far more effective to insert yourself into this kind of story by serving rather than selling. For example, if your business sells mobile phones, providing them to local shelters so evacuees can contact loved ones is a great way to get noticed without compromising your principles.
I completely agree with Robin - this kind of newsjacking can so easily cause outrage (evidence via the comments on this post). ?
I would also add that it is really important to make sure you don't have auto scheduled posts during a disaster. ?
E.g. your company building collapses and lives are lost but here is your corporate account tweeting about 50% discounts and specials.
@Robin, I absolutely agree with your point about "serving rather than selling." That is the key element to getting noticed as a brand that is helpful and valued by the community.?
I do remember the Kenneth Cole tweet - that was a clear example of selling. We actually had David Meerman Scott talk about it on the blog as well: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/25964/A-Valuable-Lesson-From-a-Twitter-Marketing-Fail-Marketing-Cast.aspx?
@Claire, you bring up a great point about auto-scheduling - another example that you can't automate all your marketing!
Source: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33771/5-Hurricane-Sandy-Newsjacks-From-Marketers.aspx
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6 Best Business Promotion Tips - Affiliate Marketing Guides
Promoting a business is crucial in the face of fierce competition to attain visibility in a targeted niche. There are various offline and online modes of advertising a brand to avail effective results. Check out the 6 best promotional tips for effectively advertising a business will help the
Taking a Look at the Effective Offline Promotional Forms:
Brochures and Leaflets
If you are a business, brochures and leaflets should be an integral part of the marketing plan. These are effective marketing and communicating tools when used as marketing pieces in trade shows, fairs, included in a press kit or given as handouts, attract customers. Ranging from the layout, design considerations to the inclusion of the crisp details about the product line or services of a company, a brochure need to grab the eyeballs of the targeted audience. A catchy headline, attractive subheads and a personal touch in the body-copy of a brochure with the emphasis on ?you? establishing the connectivity with the targeted mass helps in focusing on the benefits that they can avail. The front cover should be tempting enough with the lucrative sales propositions and professional look, which would make the audience of the targeted niche to go through the brochure. The visual consistency of the logo in the different marketing materials like brochures, leaflets and the like help in creating the right brand impression.
Business Cards
Building a strong market presence for your brand begins with an appealing logo that make the targeted audience to visualize a brand promptly. In a business card, it is the succinct business details like an individual?s name, company?s affiliation, phone number, fax details, mailing address, website URL along with the nicely-placed logo, which helps in promoting a brand. The success story of a business card is when an individual checks it out instantly with the logo having a higher recall value. Business cards are lead-generators, an effective marketing tool acting as the portable reference of a business.
Offline Advertisements
Whether it is print media, television or radio that is chosen as the medium for advertising, it is your budget as a business owner, which should be the point of reference while sketching out the business promotional plan. Whether making a business to hog the limelight in billboards, car wraps, hot air-shaped balloons, colorful dancing men and moving tubes, large helium balloons with pennant lines, blimps and sphere balls, etc. optimum level of exposure for a business capped with its logo can be ensured,when planned effectively.
Checking out the Best Online Business Promotional Options:
Social Media Promotion
Tapping the potential of social media like the top social networking and bookmarking sites, Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg to name a few, help in business promotion. Amplifying your online presence can be done by engaging in discussion in forums and blogs and sharing of content that appeals to you. Business promotion is not bragging about a company?s products and services, but contributing in social sharing of tips, suggestions and knowledge which help in creating an online buzz in a targeted audience. This helps in creating brand awareness and likely to turn your visitors into sales.
Search Engine Optimization
Securing the top slots in the notable search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing and the like, a website need to offer fresh information to the web users and indulge in ethical SEO practices. The algorithm changes brought out by Google, with the unleashing of the Panda and Penguin, sites with thin content, engaging in spamming and cloaking are shown the door by Google. So relying on the experienced SEO experts armed with experience who vouch for using White Hat techniques to elevate a client?s site in search engine ranking, pays off.
Online Advertisements
For a business to make its online presence felt, a vast array of online advertising options like display ads, pop-up ads, classified ads, newsletter advertising, video advertising can be put to effective use by you as appropriate business promotional activities.
In all the various forms of advertising materials, the logo of a brand needs to make an effective visual impact on the minds of the targeted audience for promoting a business. A captivating identity of a business is crucial for making a brand to have an instantly memorable appeal among the targeted mass. The professional logo specialists with years of experience in the industry enable a business owner to have an eye-catching logo.
About seoguysnet
SEO Guys and The logo Designs - 2 units of Webgrity (a highly reputable web solution company) offers Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing services for big, medium and small business houses & logo Designing services.
Find more about us at The Logo Designs
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Source: http://azblogtips.com/social-media/6-best-business-promotion-tips.html
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